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Your 'self-concept' says a lot about who you are. It impacts the way you feel about yourself, your self-worth, and can even affect the type of success you achieve.

This programming help to develop a positive 'self - concept' and attitude, a positive and motivated 'self - concept' means more confidence and self respect.

The unique frequencies and energies embedded in this audio will remove the fear and negative way of thinking. The fear response starts in a region of the brain called the amygdala. 'Amygdala' is called as the 'fear center' of brain,but it also plays a key role in emotion and behaviour.

added benefit of my new 'Remove subconscious limits' programme, will boost a positive approach towards anything and become a more confidant person.

Listen in a comfortable volume. Listen at least 2 times a day. No headphones/earphones needed. 




Can this cause emotional release? I’ve added this in my stack and have been crying past 3 days lmao