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TL;DR : Yay I used my old drawing style again to draw Aya and I'm going to work with less intensity during the next 3 weeks because of school work (semester ending).

It's been a while since I used that style on my work. All thanks to a few peeps on stream that told me they wanted to see some more of it <33

For those that don't know, Aya's day to day job is being a salespersons. However, to accomplish her sales she uses controversial techniques. 

I'm going to take a little break on Patreon since I have to focus on school work for the next few weeks. Inevitably I'll keep on posting, but I'll AVOID it as much as possible to not get another burnout (like the 2 other times >.>)

In approximately 3 weeks I'll be done with school and I should go back to my old schedule. I hope you can all understand!!

Thanks for all the support until now! I'll keep on trying my best not to explode haha




We'll be here chief, take your time so you don't burnout. That shit sucks!


I like seeing each style of your renders, so going back in forth is no problem.


That's nice to know, I'll shy away less when I have new stuff in that case ;D

Norman A. Letterman

Either is fine by me tbh. I'm more a line guy, but the essence is still there regardless.