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Harry wanted nothing more than to quit smoking, he had tried many times but the addiction was so strong. He had tried nicotine replacement, going cold turkey even vaping but nothing worked. His body was so used to it. That’s where I came in to help. I offered him an alternative body. A lad who he had often bullied, he had never smoked but did vape. The vape juice was what I was going to use for the take over.

How do I do it? Take over their body and force the real owner of the body out, but I couldn’t just enter someone’s body at will. I had to transform myself into something. Harry’s cigarette was an easy option. I would enter his body through the smoke filling his lungs, then slowly take over his entire body. He would leave through the smoke exiting his lips. All he would need to do was breathe the smoke into a vape container.

I quickly transformed myself into a cigarette for harry to smoke. He lit it and began to smoke it whilst leaning up against his car. It was a bit drastic to engage in a body swap just so he could stop smoking, but he wanted it so badly he would do anything. That and the fact of my persuasion techniques. He managed in inhale all of me as the cigarette in about four puffs and he did a great job of filling the vape juice bottle.

As he inhaled I entered his body. It was an amazing feeling taking control of a new body in this way and I filled every crevice of him inside and out. As he exhaled he exited his own body and entered the vape juice container. I lit another smoke and enjoyed it immensely. Now we just had to find Adam. He was often in the same place on a park bench enjoying a vape. Once I found him I offered him the container of vape juice. He asked what flavour it was. I told him it was my own special blend. I had no idea what it would taste like, but it would have essence of harry. I told him it was free and he accepted it then filled up his vape.

Adam began vamping the essence of harry. He told me it tasted good. As he inhaled it harry entered Adams body filing every crevice inside and out. Adam went into his own sub conscious and harry took over.

Fuck! Exclaimed harry now in adams body. This is weird. I’m looking at you, that should be me. I feel like I’m looking in a mirror, but at the same time I know I’m not. Even weirder, I want to see my former body naked. And I want to see what my new body looks like. I feel so different, it’s amazing what a new body can make you feel like.

It truly is. We can explore our new bodies together if you like?

I’d enjoy that, am I gay? Is Adam gay?

No idea, but now I’m you, I am.

Fuck, I so horny.

Yeah body swapping has that effect. Your place or mine?

Yours! Well technically it's mine.

Not anymore I'm harry now!

We fucked for what seemed like hours and had fun exploring each others bodies as well as our own



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