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Well, this has got to be one of the weirdest scenarios I had ever been in. The ship in the picture behind him, now me, was rescued by me and fully restored after it was discovered a sunken wreck. It was made of wood and after at least 200 years under water it was in surprisingly good shape. It was now a floating restaurant at night and tourist attraction by day. I was the first to work on her in my former body, and the last to put the finishing touches on her before opening day.

Now the “owner” is a silent partner but I still reap the rewards even though I look completely different now. How did I become someone else? Honestly I have no idea. However, from the moment I stepped onto the boat I felt a presence. As the days went by I felt the presence grow. I would often be working but then step off the boat and not remember the day, then I’d have some weird memories about the sinking and about time served on the boat, weirdly I even knew the crew manifest and what all of the ship mates looked like.

On the final day before the grand opening I hit a nail into the entrance, with the intention of putting a ribbon across for it to be cut. Anyway I hit my thumb and it began to bleed. My blood dripped onto part of the boat. In that split second, everything changed. I was no longer me. I had all my memories still but now I had gained those of Craig. Craig from the crew manifest was not a captain, but was quite a senior part of the crew, he was very young to be in such a good position and from what I remembered about him he was very good looking.

Then things got even weirder as I collapsed on the deck. It must of been a few hours later when I woke up. It was dark now. Fuck, I’ve missed my last day of the renovation. I headed home. As I walked I felt different, I had a spring in my step. I didn’t really look at myself. However, when I got home I realised I had changed. I looked at my arms and hands, they were much younger looking, my thumb which had been bleeding earlier had healed. My gut, normally fairly rounded was now perfectly flat and I was wearing very different clothes. I looked in the mirror and I now looked like Craig. I fumbled in my pockets looking for my phone, I realised now I was Craig I wasn't wearing my own clothes, rather a smart sailors uniform. I was still me, I knew about my life but I couldn't be me anymore and I knew more about Craig life than my own. I managed to log on to my computer and sent an email to the manager of the ship as a hot and upcoming venue.

So tomorrow you'll open the venue. I'm taking a backseat, I'll take 40% of the profits each and every month. The rest is for you to invest in the business and keep for yourself. I expect a minimum of 10% growth every year and I'll expect to see the daily takings and monthly books emailed to me!

Now I was free to enjoy my new body and begin a new life. I was over 200 years old by Craig standards, 35 in real terms, Craig was only 20 when he went down with the ship but I look younger. Maybe it is my fashion choice?



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