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With thanks to a member for some of the words and inspiration.

At the grand old age of 23, harry, well I, only ever wanted to be big. Big chest, massive arms, bulky legs, yet it was clear I was never going to get that way. Sure I got my wish in one way, I was tall at almost 6ft 7 but height is not what I wanted, sure I was big in other areas, I had a really long dick, but it’s really thin and I had huge feet. No matter how often I went to the gym or how much of that horrible bulking powder I took, I couldn’t get bigger. Even eating masses of food didn’t help. I was destined to be tall and skinny. One day I stumbled on a site, bodyswap101. They claimed to know techniques for body swapping, their services were free as they were happy for others to experience the body swap revolution.

If this was going to work, I knew exactly who I wanted to be, I had admired him for years at the gym, from my point of view he was massive.

Bodyswap101 claimed that I could use some form of mind control to coherse someone into doing anything I wanted them do to, then just by wearing their clothes I could become them. It wasn’t going to be an easy task, as they also needed to wear my clothes, but with the mind control it should be ok. Once the mind control began to work, their body would do exactly what mine did. We both attended the gym fairly late, close to closing time. And I found the perfect moment to hatch my plan. He was just finishing his routine and was striking a pose in front of a mirror, taking a selfie. As he did I stepped up behind him and placed both of my hands on his nipples. A spark zapped through my hands and into him. The connection was instant and suddenly his arms snapped into the same position as mine.

As I stepped away and removed my hands from his chest, he stepped back too and lowered his arms to his sides just like me. I turned and walked towards the changing room. He followed me too. Luckily in this gym the cubical are quick large, I went in one and locked the door just as he followed behind me. I relinquished control of him and told him not to move or make a sound. He complied completely. I placed a finger on his lips in an effort to shush him further. His lips felt amazing to touch.

I heard the gym guy come in, checking three was no one inside. We both maintained silence and he never found us. Once he left I continued my examination of him. He was perfect, at least to me. If this worked I would love having his body as my own. I walked out of the cubicle and instructed him to follow me, he did. Then i told him to once again do exactly whst i did, which was to strip completely naked and fold everything we had taken off into a neat pile. I handed him my pile of clothes and he handed me his. Still following my every move.

Now my hunk, if this works this will be the last time you ever see your body this way so take a good long look at yourself in the mirror. Now get dressed!

I saw a tear fall from his eye and down his cheek. Somehow that confirmed even more that it was going to work.

As I put on his socks I felt my feet change. They got slightly wider and a hell of a lot shorter my 2nd toe stretched longer than my big toe. Something I had always admired about the feet of other men. I saw his feet grow and I knew the process was working. We each added underwear and I felt my dick get fatter and my butt form bubble cheeks. The smile on my face was stretched from ear to ear. We added compression shorts next and joggers and our legs shifted into each others and I immediately felt shorter. Then the t shirts and as my hands, arms and head passed through the holes my body shifted into his and my slim torso was replaced by his muscular frame and beautiful face. We added each others hats and I gained his memories too.

Look dude, my body looks great on you. But yours looks even better on me. Your not going to move for the next three hours. Let the changes sink in. Then you'll black out right here on the gym floor and begin a workout at 8am as the gym opens, then youll wake up from my control. You'll remember who you used to be but will always be powerless to change it or even speak of it. I'm Daniel now!

Daniels pov

Last night some one walks up to me and says”you will do!” Confused for a second till he places his hands on my chest and a spark flicks between us.. I’m compelled to follow him to the changing room.. he chucks a bag at me and tells me to strip and put on his gear.. it’s like my body just does as he says as I strip, then I proceed to pull on the compression tights, shorts, tee, socks and sneakers and lastly a hat.

Next thing I know I’m sat in the changing room covered in sweat and it’s 3 hours later.. every part of me hurts..,a watch on my wrist beeps and i think i pass out, next i wake and I’m on the tread mill running.. I’m too spaced out to understand what’s happening or the changes my body is going through. I know this isn't my body but I'm not Daniel anymore im harry. I should probably try to fix this but somehow I feel prevented from doing so and I think I actually prefer it like this and even from behind my former body does look better from someone elses eyes.



Ryan Thomas

Is it bad that if I could make someone copy my every move I would be more likely to just use that power than actually swap? 😂😅