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Two lads like us, young but far from dumb. Both into fitness, both good-looking but both are broke. So broke we couldn't afford a gym and used the great outdoors as our gym. I envied my mate, somehow he was fitter than me. We both did exactly the same routines, we would eat and drink exactly the same, both used the same bulking powder. However, somehow he just looked better. Everyone joked we were so close that we must of been cut from the same cloth but truthfully we were very different cut from two very different cloths. I wanted, no, needed a break. I wanted to look as good as him without any more effort.

That's when I discovered a way to swap our bodies, he didn't need to agree to it or anything and if it worked he wouldn't even know. It was a simple pill that I had already swallowed followed by a simple instruction. When the person you wish to swap with is vulnerable and requires help, seize the opportunity and insert your penis into him.

Right now he was vulnerable and required my help to get down from his stretch. Now was my time. I got behind him lowered my shorts and positioned myself with my arms around his waist. I made out that my hands had slipped and managed to lower his shorts in the process. Re positioned my arms but this time my dick was hard and I pushed it into his butt. He was shocked. But now it was too late for him to do anything. I lifted him off the pole and laid him on the ground.

My dick was still inside him, there was no way of our connection breaking now we were bonded. All part of the process of taking his body. He was laid face down on the tarmac floor. My head was at his feet and my feet dangled around his head. Of course he was trying to get my off him, out of him and he was wriggling around. He was still stretched with his hands above his head. But then suddenly he stopped moving. My body began sinking into his. Suddenly there was a snap and my body was almost gone, completely inside his.

My dick connected and snapped into place inside his, it felt truly amazing and the swap was actually working and it was happening right here, right now. Something was wrong though, very wrong. I first noticed it in my fingers, they felt like they were shrinking and widening. My hands were next, becoming longer and narrower. They quickly snapped into place, but my hands and fingers were not inside his, they were inside his feet. Then I felt the changes happen do my feet. They got shorter and wider, my toes stretched to match his hands and and fingers, then they snapped perfectly in place right inside his hands. Fuck, my feet had joined with his hands, and my hands connected to his feet. This wasn't right. He had hairy toes, and my fingers, my new toes formed long hairs and connected into his, the cuticles of my finger nails were now his toe nails.

My journey continued as more of my went inside him my knees now connected to his elbows and my elbows connected into his knees. Right now the only thing in the right place was my dick, although clearly it must of been upside down! My nipples were manouvered inside him and I felt them change shape. Fuck, my nipples are inside his balls. Luckily my stomach connected within his and now there was only my head sticking out from his body, right between his legs. I hoped it would manoeuvre its self, like other parts of me had and connect with his head, but it didn't.

My head began shrinking and being sucked inside him. Hoping for it to be sucked far enough into him to connect with his head. I wasn't that lucky. My head connected with his butt, my mouth became his butt hole. The forced takeover was now completely done and over and I was moving again. I could feel the fresh air across my/ his body. Only I had no control of it. He was in complete control. How could I expect to take control when so many of my body parts had been displaced


My mate managed to figure out what had happened, he knew I was now inside him. I was horrified. He decided to go for a run and I felt every bounce, every wriggle every step his feet made, I felt and experienced in my hands. I felt his ball sack become sweaty, since I was inside it. His run did give a

n unexpected effect, however, and by the end of it I was able to communicate with him inside his head and he could talk back to me.

He asked me loads of questions about how and why and I answered. But the burning question was how the hell we were going to fix it, how were we going to get me out of his body. He had already googled it, and there was a reversal pill which he said he had ordered. However, he had already told me he was going to have some fun and punish me first.

Luckily it wasn't so bad. Everything he ate or drank, I could taste and experience. But that got me worrying. My dick was inside his but upside down, and my face, my beautiful face was his butt, with my mouth as the hole. He suddenly announced proudly that he needed to go. I had already told him not too because of the positioning of my body parts inside his. But he couldn't wait. Even if he wasn't going to punish me, the pill would still take a week to arrive and he couldn't wait a week without having to go.

He took a piss first and it came out in two directions, his going down and mine going up. It must of been quite funny to see. But he wasn't laughing. Instead he decided to sit down which helped with him peeing, but didn't help with the positioning of my mouth. If you imagined my hands being so close to his sweaty smelly feet was bad, or my nipples being his balls, then let me tell you that my mouth being where it was was not a pleasant experience. 1000 times worse. I could taste and feel every molecult that came out! He assured me he would do it the least amount of times possible and promised to shower every time he had too.

Fortunately he pill arrived two days later. But he didn't swallow it for a few more days after that. Punishment for a week he said. However, once he did, I felt my own body shifting inside his and we were disconnecting. Soon we were back in the position I began this process with a week ago with my head by his feet. He was squirming for me to get off him. But no matter how hard I tried I wasn't able to take my dick out of him. Then I remembered that the pill I had swallowed lasted a month. Anyone my body connected too sexually would experience some kind of body swap. There was no way in hell I was going back inside him the way I was before. That was the week from hell.

I decided that I needed to go inside him the proper way and I spun around, my dick still inside him. He screamed like mad, that must of hurt him. Serves him right making me wait a week. My chin now resting at the base of his skull. I stretched my arms out and laid them ontop of his, did the same with my legs and feet and we began to connect again. He stopped moving again. Fuck, I felt my hands and fingers changing shape again, this time not so dramatically. They sunk inside his hands, my arms, feet and legs soon followed, then my dick, my torso and head snapped inside his effortlessly. I was able to move now, controlling his body. The release was the best part. To get my body out of his, sending him with it, I just needed to cum. I stroked his dick hard and I was cumming a few minutes later. That felt amazing. It was something I had never experienced, using someone elses dick to cum. I wished he had done it whist I was trapped inside him, but he made sure not to even get himself hard.

Disconnection happened quickly and soon my body was leaving his, taking him with it. He popped out of my back as if nothing had happened and just carried on with his exercises. He had forgotten who he used to be and more importantly only I appeared to retain memories of last week and the whole fact of the body swap. This was going to be amazing for me!

Let me know if you want a continuation of this. Or any twists you'd like.




Oh this is awesome