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Don't even think about laying on that bed in your dirty work gear.

But babe I'm tired, what if I strip off first?

No, I've only just changed the sheets showed first please!

Fine, I'll change. I can't be bothered with a shower right now!

How about shower and change. Then you can lie down and we can have some snuggles!

You haven't seen my new found ability yet have you? Babe, you'll love it.

No what is it?

I've learned how to transform my body to look like someone elses, all I need to do is imagine someone i have seen before and my body transforms into theirs.

I don't believe you.

Okay, let me show you. Who should I be?

No one, just be yourself and shower! What if this person you become hasn't showered either? Oh actually I know of a lad we both know, I'm sure he will be clean! What about Jay?

You want me to become Jay? Of course babe! Good choice.

I thought about Jay. I remembered his tattooed arms, his love for sneakers. His gorgeous blue eyes, his pearly white teeth, his love for wearing a cap.

I was instantly transformed into an exact replica of him, exactly the way he was dressed the last time I saw him!

Here you go babe, don't he look good! Don't I look good.

Wow, I didn't believe you but you look and sound just kike him. Who else have you transformed into?

Not many people actually just a few lads at work. Showed them I could do it and pranked our bosses when there was two of the same guy on break!

Awesome. So can you become anyone?

Only guys and only people I've seen.

What about pictures, can you become someone from a picture?

I've never tried but I guess so!

Here try him!

Who is he?

No idea, just some guy. I was looking to buy you some new underwear and he was on the page I was looking at last.

Okay, well I don't know why he is so shiny! I hope it's not sweat!

It will be baby oil. All models do it!

I think I'd prefer sweat…

Here goes.

Wow! Apparently you can. But maybe you should become Jay again I don't want whatever that is on the sheets

Wow, he's, well your beautiful.

Shall we have some fun?

Sure I don't know how long it lasts. I'm assuming until I change back into myself. Should we do date night?

Sure but I think we should have some sexy time first.

What if he's not clean, want me to shower first?

No need, he's cleaner than the real you! Tomorrow I want you to come home in a body I've never met before!

Ok, I can do that. Now get on that bed!



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