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Hey guys, do you know who's t-shirt this is?

No idea Brody, why?

Don't people know about the epidemic going around? People are literally swapping bodies with each other from accidentally wearing other people's s clothes, it's a huge risk!

I'm sure they do but I know there's a lot that don't believe in the hype! Maybe you should try it!

Maybe, but it's a one-way trip! This guy might not want a body swap, plus I have no idea who it belongs too, I could end up with a body of someone whom is not desireable!

And you could also end up not changing at all or get the body of your dreams. Who knows unless you try it on?

I guess. Maybe I'll take it home and try it on later.

A few hours later and I remembered that I had placed the t-shirt in my bag. I had completely forgotten about it but somehow it was calling for me. I reached into my bag and decided to put it on. It was getting cold now and I needed to cover up anyway. I was too lazy to walk the five steps required to find my own clothes. Hopefully I would either transform in to a perfect specimen of a man or not change at all.

As soon as the cloth touched my body I immediately knew something was happening. Fuck all the hype is true and I was getting a new body. I hope it's better than my current one!

What do you think



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