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I loved being a barber and I love my little barbershop. It wasn't where my roots were from though, that was in sports. And it's why I was able to fully purchase my house, cars the barbershop and everything I would ever need, all before the age of 25.

However, my barbershop gives me even more. Every day as I lock the door my body goes through a complete transformation. It takes roughly half an hour for the process to work, but it happens every time and I love the forced transformation. If you take a look at the pic, that's not me,but it is me taking the picture. I always take pictures of who I become.

I only have a very limited choice of who I become, it's always the last person who's hair I cut and I become them before their hair was cut. Of course I can close the shop early or late if I didn't like the look of my last client. Plus, as a barber I don't get to see a lot of their bodies before I become them. Usually just their hands, sometimes their arms and obviously their heads. So it is a huge risk, which is why I take some time to get to know each and every client that walks through my door.

Trevor here says he's a teacher of PE in a secondary school. So I knew he was going to be lean. I wasn't disappointed when he was my last client a few days ago. I loved the size of his dick and the snake tattoo. I even got their clothes. Each morning though as I open up, I become myself again. It's a challenge though, I can never take my own body home. But this is how I look when I arrived and a pic of me on the last day I did sports as my career, complete with dirty hands laying on my bed, the last time I had my own body.

Yesterday I landed a really cute last client, I even closed early to make sure I got his body.

I didn't even bother getting to know this guy, I just made sure I did a really good job as I hoped to see and use him again. Here I am fresh out of the shower, with only a towel to hide my or rather his manhood. Shame if it dropped? I kind of wish I got his body on the weekend where I get to stay as him until Monday morning.

My body for the weekend was a guy called Chris, he is an online content created and a model.so I knew he was going to be buff. I think I need to trim his leg hairs and wax his abs and chest before cutting his hair, but I wasn't dissatisfied with all my borrowed muscle and ink. In fact I might take a week off and keep his body for a while. I've never done that before, maybe it get stuck with his body?



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