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You going to Sheffield then mate?

Well, duh! That's what the sign says.

I'm heading that way, but it will cost you.

Well I don't know if you have noticed, I don't have any cash or cards on me. No pockets!

Yet you still found a pen and some card to write on! Not to worry, I wasn't looking for a monetary payment.

Oh? What were you looking for? Oh wait, sex? No thanks, I'd rather walk.

I don't think you'll get very far, since your almost completely naked. But no, there's no sex.

What kind of payment do you want then?

How about a body swap? By my reckoning, if you walked to Sheffield from here all day and night it would take you 4 days. So how about an 8-day body swap? Or £300 in a taxi.

A body swap, really? A straight swap, I become you, you become me.

Yes, one for one.

I could agree with that. How?

Jump in, I'll explain on the way.


So how did you end up so far from home without any clothes?

I lost a bet, my mates said if I didn't pull a girl by the end of the night they would steel all my clothes and leave me stranded. I was never going to win, I had no interest in pulling a girl. But I didn't expect them to come true in the bet and actually strip me naked and drive off.

Not very good mates are they?

Nope! Don't suppose you have any spare clothes do you?

Yeah, but you won't need them. Soon you'll have my body and my clothes and once we have swapped you can go to a store with my body and use my credit card to buy some new clothes for me! I'm guessing you do have a wardrobe with clothes in at home?

Wardrobe, floor, but yeah I have clothes! So how do we swap them?

Well, all I gotta do is hold your dick in my hands, instinctively you'll hold mine too, my body will cause that instinctivness and our bodies will swap through this touch! I won't lie, some experience pain through a body swap others experience pure pleasure. But it's all in the mind.

I'll deal with it either way. It's worth it for the ride home. It's a good job you are fairly attractive. I wouldn't agree to this with just anyone.

The aren't many would be able to offer this ability to swap bodies its a good job I came along otherwise you'd be in the back of a cop car right about now.

Without even realising I had already placed my hand over his crotch area and was holding his dick and balls in my hand, instinctively he was also holding mine.

Woah, I can feel it happening already I didn't even notice.

That's the whole idea. We will be swapped soon, I hope your experiencing pleasure.

Honestly, it's not pain, I don't know what it is, more than pleasure. Euphoria maybe?

That's good!

The swap always began in the crotch area, so under his beautiful warm hand touching me was already his dick and balls, I already had his ass and the pleasure and warmth I was experiencing was my body being replaced with his up my torso and down my legs. I felt cold as I was almost entirely naked now. The last thing to switch was our hands. Once they did electrical impulses were shot from each of our hands. Enaballing release and the swap was complete.

Now I was him, I had to pull over and allow him to drive. He drove to the nearest designer store and purchased me a brand new set of clothes. He enjoyed his time as me and we swapped back after an amazing week as each other. Now whenever he needs to go somewhere, even the supermarket he calls me for a price. Of course it's always free but with a body swap adventure everytime.



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