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Hey dude, I've arrived. Bit weird being naked in the middle of nowhere I feel like a bear in the woods!

I'm sure you look like one with all that body hair!


, I've left my gear in the van. The lads will be back soon so we haven't got long.

And all I've got to do is wear your gear and I'll get your body?

Yep I've left everything including my socks. Leave your gear exactly where mine is. When you've transformed ill come back and wear your gear and become you.

I don't get why we can't just meet and swap clothes and swap bodies.

Simple there can't be two of the same people in the same place at the same time, so we just won't swap. Once we are swapped we have to meet, kiss each other then go out desperate ways.

What's the kiss for?

It just gives us each others knowledge about our new bodies and updates everyone we know about how we look, updates our socials and id!

Cool, so why do you want a new body then?

The hairs mate. I want more Ink and there's no point because it gets hidden with the hair! What about you?

Kind of the same actually. Always wanted to be hairy but can't even grow decent facial hair. There isn't a medical solution to growing hair so a body swap is my only way!

Cool, win-win then! Just to remind you there's no going back you can never have your own body back.

Yeah that's fine. Im going to start stripping and putting in your clothes on! No peeking.

Of course not!

Obviously I was peeking but I couldn't really see anything but I did see him naked and adding my clothes to his almost perfect hairless body. As each item touched him his body changed underneath. His face swapped when he added my boots. He placed all of his clothes on the seat of the van, wandered off and text me to say he was done and fully transformed.

I went straight to the van and opened the door and admired his stinking pile of clothes on the seat. In reverse order of how he had taken them off. I didn't want to see what I was becoming I was leaving it for a big reveal later but I was sure I wouldn't be underwhelmed!

Carefully I added each item of his clothes to my body. His underwear, his top, his trousers his socks and finally his boots. I felt my hairy body dissolve away and get replaced by his I loved the feeling of smooth skin under my clothes.

I text him and he came running over. So I guess I need to change my social media names now to “the bear in the woods”. Like yours was. You look stunning wearing my body by the way!

Why thank you, you do too but there is no need to change your name anywhere, the kiss will do all that!

Seconds later he was embracing me with a very passionate kiss and the transfer of knowledge was complete. He disappeared with my hairy body and the other lads came back to the van. Recognising me as me we drove home and once I had dropped them all off I enjoyed a few hours exploring my new hairless body.



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