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Connor was at the peak of his physical self and he hated the way his body looked. He had tried so hard to bulk up, spent so much time in gyms and drinking protein shakes he even hired a personal trainer to assist with his bodys development. Nothing was working, nothing he did made him any bigger.

His personal trainer Corey was stumped. He had no idea why Connors body wouldn't get any bigger or change in any way. He decided it must be linked to his genetic make up. As a personal trainer, Corey’s body was also at its physical peak, it had to be for all of his clients but Corey knew one slip-up could reverse all that training, but he also knew he could be bigger if he wanted.

The slip-up potential was why Corey was so reluctant to use his powers to do good he had used them once before and it took him six months to get his body back to its peak. But his desire to ensure all his clients were happy made him realise he had to offer his service to Connor.

Connor, I don't know if you'll be up for this but you've been a client of mine for a year now and I want to try something to see if we can bulk up your body some more. You see it might be your mind blocking impulses for you to get bigger. I've got some terms and conditions if you do chose to accept my offer but with my mind in your body for a while it might just trigger things to get you bulked up.

Well sure I'd try anything.

I hoped you'd say that. So there's the plan, you get to be in my body for three months. During that time you must guarantee to follow my exercise routine and feeding plan to the letter. You have zero off days. If my body begins to deteriorate at any time during the process then the deal is off and we swap back. You can't change my body in any way.

Okay, cool that's fine. Fuck, I get to be you for three months. That's pretty awesome. Your muscle, your body art. Amazing.

And there's another point, you have to behave exactly like me, no one can suspect that there is someone else in my body, you work, sleep, play and eat just like I would. No deviations. You are going to be a little older and a lot bigger, it's a huge change, are you sure you can handle it, being me?

Sure I can. How do we do it?

Okay, in about an hour the gym will be closed, come in just before closing time and hide in the changing room. I'm locking up tonight so no one will see us. There is a machine in the basement we hook it up to each of our hands, it's just like wearing a pair of gloves. Some of the other trainers use this monthly, some weekly some daily. Just to get their gains they swap with each other. It's meant for us pt’s to help out our clients, I've only used it once before. Once it's hooked up to us both and activated be will be transformed into each other. At the very end we will both get a jolt that will give us an extreme headache for about a minute. That's the transfer of our knowledge because the only parts of us that won't change is our brains and our souls, but we still need to know enough about each other to live each others lives.

Okay cool. See you, or rather be you in about an hour then?

The hour was possibly one of the longest of my life but as promised he met me in the changing room just after closing and led me into the basement. I had never seen this part of a gym before. It was clean and tidy like the rest of the gym

There was old equipment, pipes, cables. I saw the plant rooms for the sauna and swimming pools there was a room with used gym gear, supposedly lost property. I imagined I would be spending a lot of time down here once I had his body. Even though I had to act like him I planned to use the machine once or twice and explore the gyms basement. He would never know, would he?

Right of the back of the room was a door marked “access for personal trainers level 4 and above. Dangerous equipment inside”. I realised what it was, it was the room where the body-swapping machine was but I didn't realise pt’s had levels. He told me he was one of only 2 others that were top level 6 pt’s but most of the pt’s here had access as they were all trained to at least level 4.

We slipped into the room and sat down on chairs opposite each other there was a pair of gloves on a table at each side of the chairs connected to a machine and computers and a control console on his side it only had 3 buttons. On/off switch and switch back. We both put on the leather gloves and fastened the velcro straps around our wrists. He reminded me not to fasten them too tight as I would soon have his much bigger hands. He switched the machine to on. Beeps and buzzes began to happen and the green light glowed on the console next to the switch button. “Ready?” he asked.

Sure I replied and he hit the button. Immediately I felt changes start to happen I also felt electrical impulses across my entire body. My hands and fingers had already expanded into his. My gloves were now a little too tight. I looked at him and his hands had changed too, much smaller than his own. Bro, if they are too tight, adjust them but make sure you don't take them off! I'll need to tighten mine before they fall off.

I watched his uniform for the gym disappeared from his body. My clothes had gone too. The electrical impulses began to get stronger in certain places. Arms at first and I felt them expand and watched his shrink. My pecs began to feel huge and I was almost too wide for the chair now as my upper body and stomach transformed into his. He now looked physically and mentally deflated as his chest was now a lot smaller than he was used too. He looked down at his legs and said good bye to them as they disappeared and were replaced by mine. Our dicks and heads soon swapped over and that's when the headache began and clothes appeared on our new bodies.

So enjoy your time as me, don't forget you have to behave exactly like I would, either of us can switch us back at anytime just by pressing the switch back button, I will be watching!



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