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I seriously doubt this is going to work. Are you sure you've done it before?

Yes I've done it quite a few times actually and I always end up losing my weight as a result.

But How is your huge stomach going to fit inside mine, never mind the rest of you.

Relax what's the worst that can happen? If it doesn't work you get to cum in me!

What would be even worse is if your inside me and make me look fat, or you leave some of your fat behind or we separate in a few days time and you keep my body and I get yours.

Yeah, things like that can happen but hardly ever, to be safe ill need to start inside you for a week. You'll experience some lasting effects too. You'll likely get some of my ink transferred to your body.

A week?!? What the fuck, and you never mentioned these risks. Stop, I've changed my mind!

It's too late to change your mind. My lower half is already inside you. Can you feel me wriggling your toes?

That's you? I thought I had a twitch. Fuck I can't move my legs.

Yeah that's me and you can't move your legs because my legs are inside yours and I'm in control!

Fuuuuccccckkk! This is a really erotic experience! I really wanna cum!

And you will but only once I'm fully inside you!

Oh fuck, I hope I get your neck tattoos, they are fit as fuck!

Wait and see!

I've lost control of my arms and hands now too, but there moving.

The merge is nearly complete, just our heads now. Enjoy the ride!

As soon as I was fully inside him his dick erupted a glorious cream from it's head. It was fishing for quite a while. But that wasn't enough for me. As soon as I finished my first orgasm I was straight in the porn sites edging for my next one.

It was a great week inside his body. I lost about 20lbs! And he didn't gain a single lb but did get my neck tattoos just kike he wanted. He enjoyed it so much that as soon as I was out he wanted me back in! We would need to wait a few weeks but I will certainly become him again!



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