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Yo! boot boy.

Jaden, how can I help you?

Have you seen my boots? They ain’t clean from my last match!

Well, they must not of been in the pile of boots for me to clean! Besides, looking at the rest of your kit, your jock strap, your socks, then I think your boots are least of your worries!

I know everything was in your cleaning pile, even my jock strap!

That’s probably why I wasn’t able to clean your kit then jaden, I’m not allowed to touch personal items. So your very personal jock strap was likely in the way of your boots, socks and kit.

Nah mate, I’m not having that. Come to think of it my socks were still warm and damp. I haven’t worn them for a week. I think you’ve been wearing my gear! Then didn’t have time to wash it.

I’ve been wearing more than your gear, I’ve been wearing your body. I said very quietly so he shouldn’t have been able to hear.

I knew it! I’ve got very sensitive hearing. You’ve been wearing my stuff haven’t you.

I couldn’t deny it now, it was true and he heard me say it.

As punishment I reckon you should lick my boots clean.

I can’t do that, I’ll transform into you again.

So it will only be for a short while. Might be fun seeing you look like me.

You don’t understand. There can only be one of you in the same room. That would be me.

Okay who do I become?

That’s the worst part, for you at least. You don’t become anyone. You become what ever I am wearing, or in this case cleaning by licking.

That might be quite cool actually, how long for?

It’s a week dude. If that’s what you want I’ll happily do it and become you for a week. Assuming you want to do it now, you’ll slowly merge into your boots, your boots will then be attached to my feet and I will quite quickly become you. After exactly a week you’ll become you again and I will be me.

Cool, go for it. Take the boots/ me home with you and wear me some days will you.

I placed my hands around his socked ankles and began to lick his boots clean. Soles at first then everywhere else. I stopped for a moment to check it was working and it was. His clothes had already disappeared and he was turning into fabric and plastic. Changing colour too to match his boots. I continued holding his ankles and licked a little more. I soon realised that there wasn’t anything left of him and he had fully merged into his own boots.

The now fully clean boots absorbed into my hands and appeared on my feet with his socks in between. I was looking forward to this now. I had been him before, more times than I can remember. But this time he knew about it and I’d actually have to be him and not just look like him. Under the socks my feet and legs had already changed.

The changes continued up my legs I loved having soccer players legs. I then I felt my torso expand and my arms grow some huge muscle. I felt the familiar scent of his sweat through my own nose I got his beautiful hands. Next I felt his facial hair grow on my face just before my face changed into his. Finally my dick changed and his jock strap and t shirt appeared and I knew the change was over. Wow a week of un interrupted jaden!



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