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Hey mate, need a ride?

Nah, I'll wait for the bus, can't afford an Uber, the bus is way cheaper.

I wasn't offering an Uber and you don't need to pay!

Oh well in that case, yeah ill take a ride.

You sure? You'll be “away” for 24 hours.


Yeah, it's not just a ride for you, it's a ride for me too. I'll take a ride inside your body. Jose it as my own for a whole 24 hours, give or take. You'll definitely be where you need to be at the end of it.

Oh your one of them guys that take people's bodies. It's a but of a weird thing to do.

They call us possessors! But I'm one of the good guys I don't take without permission.

That's cool. I've always wanted to try it, maybe even become a possessor myself. I'd love to be in a muscle head body, even if it's only for 24 hours.

Well, I can help you with both. Let me take you for a ride and then I'll help you become a possesor.

Sure thing dude, how does it work, how do you get inside me?

It's really easy, open your mouth and touch me. I'll become a kind of vapour and enter your body through your mouth. You won't feel a thing, it will be like you taking a drag on a vape. It takes seconds. And once I'm inside you, you still won't feel anything in regards to me being inside. However, you will still experience everything I do whilst I'm inside you but you won't be able to control your own body.

That's pretty cool. Go on then, do your thing.

He opened his mouth and invited me to get close to him. He raised his hand close to my face, his middle finger still sticking up. I thought he was taking the piss out of me and wasn't actually going to touch me. His hand was so close to my face that I almost couldn't see it. Then he moved his hand and smothered my face with it. The effects began to happen extremely quickly and I was now in vapour form entering his body through his mouth. It didn't take too long for me to take full control of his body and I had an amazing 24 hours ahead of me.

The next day as I felt myself becoming a vapour form again and leaving his body. Instantly I thought about his wish to be able to have my powers. I knew what it meant for us both. I was soon my

self again.

So, did you enjoy that? Still want to have my ability?

I certainly did, being a passenger in my own body is amazing and I think so, what does it involve?

Well you might not like it at first but before I tell you, just know you can move onto anyone else you like within the first day.


For me to give you my ability you have to give your body to me, you obviously get mine. You gain my ability through my body and I get it through yours. You can never return to your own body and my body would be the body you return too after possessing others. Which is why I told you that you can move on to someone else more suited to what you look like now.

Okay cool. So I have to become you for a while and then choose someone else. Can I literally pick anyone?

Exactly, and anyone you desire providing you can touch them. So there's no point picking someone famous as its highly unlikely you'll get to touch them.


All you need to do is repeat what we do to this person, and it will happen without them knowing.

Awesome, and what do we need to do?

Well there's another bit you might not like. You see it has to be something that wont happen often, something that possesionnmastets like me wont normally experience so that we don't pass on this ability to everyone we meet. You that middle finger that your so proud of and use so often. Well it's gotta get pushed up my bottom. Only a tiny bit if that's all your comfertabke with, but the further you push it the quicker it will work. Once finger is in, the rest of your body will follow. You'll stay inside me for about five minutes then you'll suddenly take control of my body and you'll have an urge to use the toilet. Don't use the toilet, just push. Your former body will be pushed out with me in control. It will be left with one part still inside.

My, actually your finger.

Wrong! It will be my dick. In order for it to work and we both get the ability your former dick needs to cum in me! I've gotta fuck you, sorry about that.

Before I had even completed telling him all the details he had already stood behind me, lowered my trousers and underwear and begun pushing his middle finger into my butt. I was expecting a little resistance from him. Wow dude, your up for all of this then?

Sure, I know exactly whose body I want, staying as you isn't an option I'm afraid. Plus loosing my body, then getting fucked by it is a small price to pay for getting the ability to be a possession master. Dude, most of me is inside you, I guess we ain't got long?

Your right, I can already feel your mind taking over my body. Within moments he was fully inside and took control. I blacked out. It didn't take long and I felt really heavy, I was being pushed out, I screamed JUST PUSH! And that's what he did, soon I was out of my own body and in his, with my new dick inside my former butt. I fucked him and I was released. I had had his body before, but he was still inside it. This time it felt brand new and I was amazed how attractive I was. It was amazing.

So your me and im you, there's no way back now. Who are you going to force yourself into then?

Oh, you know him really well, he's one of my best mates.

Fuck, now I'm you, I know him well, he's your fuck buddy.

Yep and that's your cum all over his body. We are gonna be fuck buddies.

Wow mate, I didn't expect all this.

You'd better get used to it!

I think I will, im sure I will



Ryan Thomas

Would’ve loved more detail in the second half where he’s pushing in through his ass lol but still good stuff