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Yo! Boys! You can't be doing things like that out in the open!

We are only messing about, not really doing anything.

It looks like a lot more than that, but whatever it is, I don't really care. But the bug is still very much active especially round these parts. You can't be touching in public and one of you is half naked. That makes the bug even more prevalent.

The bug?

You must

have heard about it. The one that's all over the news. The body-swapping bug.

Oh that, yeah we know all about that. Only we aren't considering it to be a bug. At least most of the supporters of it aren't calling it a bug any way. We call it a gift and we came to these parts to try and make it happen.

Guys, the news says it's extreemly painful. Why would you want that? And there's a 0.001% chance of weird complications such as only half of a body swapping or even death.

There has only been 1 death related to the gift which you are calling a bug. And only 5 people that have only managed a partial swap, the risks are minimal especially with the amount of success. The pain is something we would both willingly endure to experience a body swap, especially with each other.

So why is one of you half naked?

The “bug” as you call it works better if one of the people involved is showing some skin. Ideally he would be showing more skin, but we are in public and can't show much more than he already is!

You two really want this bug to affect you? You want to swap bodies?

Yes and yes, there is a huge body swap community. Most can't pick who they swap with, we can!

Okay can I watch?

Sure. But don't get too close we don't want you to be affected too!

Moments after the one in the black hoody grabbed hold of the crotch of the half naked one and they kissed. This was the epicentre of the outbreak and they were doing everything the media said they shouldn't. Being naked, in close proximity and touching were all key aspects of the bug.

Then they seemed to freeze but move again to release their kiss. The naked guys blonde hair receded followed closely by the other guys hair. Then as quickly as it disappeared it grew again. Only this time the naked guy had dark hair and the other had blonde. Then the former blonds face ballooned as it developed the features of the other guy his massive smile was replaced with a frown. The other guys face also changed as it got smaller and gained the blonde guys features. His frown became a huge smile. They both screamed in pain and tears fell from their eyes.

The black hoody disappeared and he too was now naked. His larger body got smaller and gained the features of his mate. A necklace appeared around his neck. Then the trousers on both of them disappeared, their underwear and their shoes went too. Their dicks now on full display in public. Luckily there was no one else around. Their dicks changed and the former blondes changed from a curved one to a long thin one and the other got a curved and fat dick as a replacement.

The black hoody appeared on the body of the former blond. Their legs changed and the former blonde now stood about 2 inch’s above his friend. Their feet was the last thing to change and the former blonds’s got smaller while the other fuy’s got bigger. Tears were now flooding from their eyes but they knew it was over and went in for another kiss.

As they kissed their trousers, underwear and shoes reappeared. They sepersted their kiss, looked at each other then stepped back and admired their new bodies. The bug had worked exactly as they wanted. It was like a gay version of Romeo and Juliet. They seemed pleased.

Now i wanted to try and I needed to find my Romeo. Who should I swap with?



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