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Oh fuck, that’s a huge dick you have there pal. Your trackies ain’t doing much to hide it. Is that hard or soft, maybe you have a semi on.

A semi, your having a laugh, this is soft, it’s huge when it’s hard. and why the fuck are you looking at my dick? What gives you the right to say such things just because your gay. You shouldn’t be looking at me like that. Are you coming on to me, you fancy me or something. I don’t swing that way!

Oh, sorry pal I didn’t mean anything by it, there is no law against admiring someone.

Yeah well don’t be admiring me!

Look, I was only paying you a compliment. You think I’d want to “date” someone with an attitude like yours. Sure it would be nice to see such a huge dick, but once you’ve seen one dick you’ve seen them all! Your such an angry little man.

I think you’d better leave.

Yeah, your probably right, just so you know if I wanted your dick so badly, I’d take it, I’d take your entire body.

You’d better run now you jumped up fag.

And that’s what I did, I left him and his mate to it. I didn’t run mine you, I wasn’t scared. Moments later his mate came jogging up to me and asked me what did I mean by I could take his dick and his body if I wanted too.

I tried to explain it away saying if I wanted too I could seduce him into bed with me but he wasn’t accepting my answer. Then he popped the direct question. Your one of them that can swap their bodies aren’t you? Please can you take his body I really want to experience him and all he has to offer, I bet that dick pumps loads of cum, I bet it’s so juicy… fuck to experience him, maybe even just touch his dick would be amazing.

I was stunned by his comments. And obviously confirmed I could indeed swap my body with anyone I wanted too without them even realising. I offered to kill two birds with one stone. I told him I would transform myself into his mate on one condition. The condition was that after I had spent a week as his mate he would allow me to transform myself into him and keep his body for as long as I liked, whilst he would get his mates body with its huge dick. He obviously accepted.

He then asked how it all worked and I told him I needed an item of clothing and some bodily fluid and a hair sample. He told me that they were going the gym later and all would be provided. He told me to meet them in the gym car park at 8pm.

They both came sauntering out at exactly 8pm, John (white trainers and grey tracksuit) as I had learned his name now was carrying his mates gym gear. Harry saw me, and shouted, oi you, are you following me? John tossed me Harry’s gym bag. I reached in and as I touched his clothing harry instantly froze.

John, I hope this bag contains everything I need. I can’t “take” anything from his real body.

Sure thing, his t shirt is full of sweat, and his boxers have some pubes in…

John, that’s disgusting, I need to swallow the fluid and place one hair in my mouth, the rest on my privates.

You asked for bodily fluids, what else was I meant to get, blood, spit, cum? Sweat and pubes are the best I can do.

He grabbed Harry’s t shirt and squeezed some of the sweat into a container, added a few of the pubes. I drank the sweat as well as the pubes. It was absolutely rank. I then placed a few more of his pubes where mine are and put on his sweaty t shirt. Instantly changes began to happen. I started to get skinnier and slimmer. I started to look like hell from a gym work out. Soon I knew it was almost over as John started to smile. My dick began to get bigger and John cupped it with both of his hands. The rest of Harry’s gym work out gear appeared on my new body. Fuck I was cute and horny as hell. The real harry was frozen, we quickly removed his bubble coat and t shirt and added mine to him, instantly he became me and the swap was complete.

I spent a whole week as harry. It was possibly the best time of my life so far. That was until I became John, a whole week of being loved by John and now I am John and John is harry and we can love each other forever more.



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