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This was the first time it happened to me, when I became my best friends brother. And I have no idea how it happened. It was a sleep over, my friends brother was away doing some training for the military. So I stayed in his room and in his bed. All I knew is as I was falling to asleep, I felt really sick and hot. When I woke up the sickness had gone, but I felt different. My mate came in and asked me why I looked like his brother. I had no clue. My body was gone now. Walking down stairs his parents recognised me as me and not as their son, though they did take a few glances. I went home and thought I would sleep it off in my own bed. But I couldn't sleep. I wanted to explore my new body so I had a little fun. Later my parents came home, did the weird glances that my friend's parents had done, but they still recognised me as me and complained I had been in the house all day and hadn't done any choices for them. I still felt a little off and ignored their slurs and went to sleep for the night.

The next morning I woke, I thought I would be me again, but I wasn't I still had my friends brother's body. I have to admit it was pretty hot having his body, it was much better than my own. It was a bit weird opening my wardrobe to find all my clothes had gone, replaced with his. Even my dirty laundry basket was now full of his stuff, not mine. I grabbed a pair of his worn socks and underwear and gave them a sniff. That got me hard and I was intoxicated by the smell of them.

A few weeks later I still hadn't changed back and my body was gone forever. Everyone recognised me as me and it appeared only me and my mate knew what had happened. We decided to go on a night out in a city away from home. We booked a hotel and there was a mistake with the booking, it had a double bed instead of a twin. It didn't matter because we had seen each other bodies before and obviously I had his brother's body he had seen it 100’s of times

After the night out we returned to the hotel and began falling asleep. I began to feel the sickness again and get really hot and began sweating profusely. I headed to the shower to cool off and felt a little better and went to bed. My mate put his arm around me which was cute. However I noticed he was hot and sweaty.

The next morning I felt very different, much bigger. I looked down at my body and I was naked, I definitely had underwear on when I got in bed! I was now only wearing a watch, a necklace and some white socks and weirdly I had tattoos.

My mate was in the bathroom and I heard a scream before he came running out. He was now in his brothers body, but he was too gob smacked to speak once he had saw me. He snapped a picture.

Fuck dude, your smoking hot. You've transformed again, you're definitely had an upgrade.

It certainly was an upgrade. Of course, I hid my junk with a cushion, I hadn't seen it yet and I wasn't letting my mate see it before me, who knows what he do with that picture. Once again my clothes had been replaced by the clothes this body would normally wear. I was still me and everyone recognised me as me. My mate considered his new body to be an upgrade too even though he now looked like his brother.

It was then we realized that I'm transforming into the last person who used a bed that wasn't my bed. I didn't intend on loosing this body any time soon. However, my friend begged and pestered me to help him get a better body. He assumed that all he would need to do was sleep in someone else's bed and he tried so many but it didn't work. We figured out it was me that was the catalyst. If I slept in a bed used by someone else I would become them, if my friend was next to me he would be given my current body. He begged for almost a year before I finally agreed to allow him to do so. I figured I could probably find someone even better than my current body if I slept in enough beds. At the time we didn't have a lot of money between us so we booked into a hostel. They weren't going to allow us both to stay as they only had a single bed available. We literally had to promise there wouldn't be any “funny” business before they allowed us to share a single bed. Of course, they meant gay stuff but the funny business that was likely to happen was way over that anyway.

As we fell to sleep I felt the familiar sickness, heat and sweating. My friend was experiencing the same with his arm around me again. This time I felt the changes beginning to happen and I already felt smaller. The next morning we woke up. I recognised the arm around me as the one I had only hours before and I knew it had worked. My friend had got my body and I had a completely different one.

My body was still an upgrade from my original body but I was nowhere near as hot as my friend was now. I slept around in a few more beds over the next few weeks

I became some pretty hot guys but none as good as the body my friend had now, until my final one. This one is definitely a keeper.

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