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Yo Martyn, have you seen that new app that's going around?

No Matt, what is it?

It's an app that lets you change and improve your body.

That would be pretty cool I've always wanted to be taller and have more muscle, And I bet you would add muscle too as well as more tattoos.

I sure as hell would. Do you reckon we should download it, try it together?

Maybe, but it's gotta be a scam, or give your phone a virus or something.

I don't think so, ive seen people using it on TikTok, watched them change before my very eyes.

Well, ok we can try it but I think it's a scam. I've downloaded it have you?

Yep. I told you it was a scam... It says we can't change our own bodies only someone elses and to change someone else we need to be in control of said body. To control someone else you must have permission.

It's not a scam, think about it all it means is two people have to swap bodies first, make the changes and swap back.

Oh, well I don't want to swap bodies with someone. What if they make changes to me I don't want, what if they don't want to swap back?

Didn't you see, you and I could do it. Swap, change each other then swap back.

Oh yeah, I never thought of that. I'd do that, id swap with you. I still think it's a scam though.

Seconds later he matt had been pressing things on the app on his phone. My phone vibrated and pinged a message on the screen. I bright light eminated from his phone and was shining directly on my face, even when I moved the light followed my every move. I looked at my phone. “Martyn Williams, Matt stray has requested a body swap with you for the purposes of changing and improving your bodies through this app. Do you accept?

Fuck Matt, this seems legit. Are you sure you want to do this? Become me, change me whilst I become you and improve you. It's going to be a bit weird having each others bodies.

Yeah mate, I'm sure. It will be weird but think of the gains and its not for long. Accept it, man! My brain is already partially disconnected from my body, part of it is in my phone, inside this app and the beam, it's on its way to your body, accept it, please!

I clicked accept. My phone began emanating the same bright light towards Matt. I felt my mind leaving my body and travelling through my phone, through the light and into matts head and body. It was all over in about a minute and I could now see my own body starting back at me. It was like killing in the mirror seeing my reflection, only it wasn't my reflection any more, I was no longer Martyn, I was

Matt. I could tell as I now stood almost 12 inches taller than before.

Wow, Matt, I mean Martyn it actually worked.

Fuck. Yeah, I can see. I didn't realise how short you were, how short I now am. Fuck I'm horny. Being you is insane.

I know the feeling, but let's remember why we did this.

Your right, please make my body about 5 years older, give me loads of tattoos on my arms and chest and loads more muscle mass.

Done and done. I felt my borrowed body expand in size, age a little and gain more ink

Wow, you have made me look amazing. What do you want doing.

Oh I don't know make me a bit taller, fix my hair line. I only want subtle changes, if I like it we can always swap again can't we?

Done and done. And yeah sure we can do it again.

Wow, perfect mate. Erm, mate we have a problem.

What's that?

I've just hit the swap back button and it says “

Error, swap back not possible. Please wait 28 days”.

Oh, one for a similar notification. “The occupier ‘martyn Williams ‘ of your real body ‘Matt Stray’ has requested a swap back. Please note this is impossible until you have had each others bodies for 28 days.”

Fuck we are stuck like this, I don't want to be stuck as you, I want my own body back.

Relax, it's not all bad. And we ain't stuck, it's only for four weeks.

Yeah but bro, I thought we would be making our bodies better then swapping straight back. But now I'm going to have to do things in your body.

Do things? Like what?

Well normal things I guess but I didn't plan on touching you at all, but I'm going to have to eat, sleep and work as you. I'm going to have to shower your body, see it in the mirror, I'm going to have to touch your dick, with your hands. It's just weird. Never imagined I would see another man

's dick, let alone have to touch it. What if I get horny and want to have sex or just have a hand job?

Well do it, I won't be obstinate just because I'm you. It's not like your touching my dick with your hands is it. They are my hands touching my dick, just with you in control of it. Saying that though, I wouldn't mind using my new hands and touching my old body, maybe kissing?

I thought you'd never ask.



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