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What's that face for?

Oh man, you wouldn't believe how much pain I'm in I had a very minor operation yesterday and it's killing me.

Oh sorry to hear that.

Yeah I was hoping you would use your powers and help me out.


Long is your recovery time?

Doctors said 2-4 weeks.

Okay so how do you want me to help you out?

You know, use your body swap thing, and you become me, look after my body while I heal. I'll become you.

Well, I could but you're not really the type of body I look for. If I did id only agree to the 2 weeks.

Not your type?

Yeah I'm not into tracksuit and sneaker kind of lads. But I'll do the 2 weeks!

Two weeks would be awesome, please will you do it.


How does it happen?

Tonight we need to sleep in the same room. You take this half of this pill I take the other half, it's been pre programmed for exactly 2 weeks, then tomorrow morning when we wake up we will of swapped bodies.

It's that easy?

I wouldn't say it's easy, we will both hurt like hell in the morning as our bodies transform into each other, we will sweat like mad and you'll likely be spooning or forking your former body by the morning.


Yeah you will get really horny during the process and you won't even realise what your doing but if say out of 100 lads I've swapped with 98 of them have woke up using their borrowed bodies to fuck their former selves. There's the pill, take it 2 hours before you are due to sleep.

Cool well I'm going to bed soon so I guess if better take it now.

Okay dude, enjoy. I took other half of the same pill.

The pill knocked him out almost instantly he hadn't even bothered to undress. Since his body would soon be mine I decided to take a sneak preview. I took off his nike sneaks and his white socks and the bag of weed fell from his ankle. Great, a stoner, just what I need! But it was too late to back out now. His feet were short and slender, weirdly his 2nd toe was longer than his biggest.

Next I removed his grey sweat pants, his left were good, but he clearly often skips leg day. Then I took off his cap, his top and his t shirt. He had a stunning body. I never normally do this sneak preview so I decided to leave his underwear on and reveal his package when it was mine.

I got in bed next to him, and kissed his forehead, no idea why. He rolled over and began spooning me as predicted. I fell asleep as I began to feel the pain and sweat.

The next morning as predicted I was rudely awakened by him or rather the former me forking the new me. I was him. I was craving a joint and happily rolled one whist he was fucking me. It was going to be a weird 2 weeks



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