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Hurry up Sam, jump in or we will be late for the next job.

Hang on a minute, I’ve got a really weird text from some randomer!

Jump in and tell me on the way…

Fine… there’s this lad, well I assume it’s a lad. Apparently he saw me working last week and was impressed by how hard I was working and how much I could carry, he said he got my number off the van.

Yeah and? He’s asked you in a date?

Not exactly. He’s asked if he can borrow my body for the weekend. Says he needs to do some manual labour and wants to use my body for the purpose.

There is some really weird lads out there these days. He just wants free labour!

Nah he says he will pay for it and if we both like what we become we can do it more often says he’s just got his own place and there is loads of work needs doing. Could be a good little side earner!

Could be or it could be some freak wanting to use your body for sexual purposes. Have you asked him how body swapping is even possible?

I did, it’s a new thing and experimental at his college.

Experimental, there you go, you’d be a lab rat for him. Just ignore him.

Your right.

A few hours later..

So man, if I agree to this there is to be no gay stuff whilst you have my body and I need to know what you look like first. And we will meet up to swap, none of this cyber bullshit.

No gay sex, I promise. And we have to meet up to do it, so there definitely isn't any cyber stuff. This is strictly to get some work done around my house. I don’t want to body swap, but it’s a consequence of needing to get this work done and not trusting anyone in my house. Your body, your skills fit what I need, but if you don’t want too I’ll find someone else.

No, no, no need to find anyone else I’ll do it I just need help understanding that’s all. What I don’t get is that you will trust someone with your body, but not let anyone into your home.

A body is a vessel. And if anything goes wrong I’ll still have your body. If I let someone in my house and things go wrong I’ll loose it!

Okay I get it. I don’t remember looking as young as you do. I remember high school, then bam straight into work, How old are you?

Twenty, almost 21 and I want all this work doing before my 21st.

Are you sure you want my dad bod?

Yeah, bro, it's cool I know you've got muscle I've seen you work. Besides getting tattoos and a beard might help my body mature a bit.

So how does it work then what have we got to do?

I've got a potion, it gets mixed into your favourite drink, we add a bit of something from our bodies and drink it. Once the whole drink is gone our bodies will transform kntomeach others and we will get knowledge from each other. It will last for exactly 48 hours, then we turn back to our normal selves and lose each others knowledge.

What do, we need to add?

Any liquid really, sweat, cum that sort of thing.

I don't really sweat so I guess it's gotta be cum.

Yeah, it's probably the easiest thing to obtain. When do you want to do it?

Well, all of my mates have told me not to do this, but I've made up my mind and I want to help you we are going to have to do it soon before I change my mind. I knock off work at 5pm, how about we meet at 8 after I've had a few weeks with the lads? That will give you my body till 8 on Sunday night.

Yeah, sounds good to me.

Hey man, I'm on my way, I've got some of my cum.

Cool, guess is better get some ready too.

The cum was added to a drink each and swapped with each other, moments later both had downed their drinks.

The builders body looked to be deflating as his chest and arms shrank, the ink on his arms all but disappeared, he was growing taller thoughmand getting thinner, then the hair on his face recceded under his skin. The chavs body was expanding, his six pack became a beer gut, his arms inflated and gained ink, his stomach bloated, he got slightly shorter. Clothing reappeared on each of their bodies.

Fuck, I feel so small and young, why do lass like you insist I'm wearing sneaks without socks? I feel so strange, no ink, no beard. I don't know if I like it.

My body looks good on you, you'll learn to enjoy it, I promise. I feel fantastic, although I think you may of had one too many in the pub!

Don't have much choice right now do I? Stuck like this for 2 days.

You sure are.



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