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Yeah man I know it probably sounds a bit weird but we can manipulate our bodies anyway we like. Change features, make things bigger or smaller even swap body parts with other people if we want even add clothing to our bodies just by thinking about it.

Yeah that is a bit weird people should be happy with what they have. Not sure I believe you.

Okay tell us to do something and we will make it happen.

Ok make your skin darker, as if you are black skinned and add balaclava’s.


Wow, it’s true! So how much of you two is original and how much taken from others?

We both 100% original right now, we’ve obviously changed our bodies to make them the best they can be but everything belongs to us. We only ever “loan” body parts. Once a really famous soccer player had an injury. He played the match with one of my legs and both my feet. I had to endure his injured ankle for all his training sessions and the game. Which he won. But we have borrowed everything from out feet, hands even our dicks. And for guys like you, we don’t charge. We just enjoy the thrill of it.

Oh wow, so have you ever borrowed your entire bodies?

Once. We let a gay couple experience a week with our bodies. We gave them one condition.

Oh, what was that?

That they had to take our bodies on holiday for that week, get us a natural sun tan. We could strike a similar deal with you two if you like?

Maybe, what happens to our bodies whilst we have yours?

We have them of course.

And you’d really want our bodies for a week whilst we take yours on holiday?

Yeah, it’s what we do. Not that we really want your bodies we will happily keep our own, we could just swap a couple of body parts if you prefer, but if it’s a full swap then Your paying for the holiday we can’t make you pay to use our bodies too. When we swap back we get the memories of the holiday too and the tan. So it’s not all that bad really.

Ok so this holiday, we won’t own any clothes to fit your bodies…

That’s fine, you’ll wear our clothes, tell us where your going and we will pack for you.

So how does it work? And how do we decide which one of us becomes each of you.

Well, the decision of who is who depends on sizes of certain parts of our bodies. Transformation is quite painful so it’s best to only grow or shrink a little bit. You with the t shirt… (it’s chad), I’m guessing your feet are bigger. (Yes size 10). Well you’d become me, I’m Andy, you’d get my tattooed legs. My feet are a 10 too. You with the grey trackie (it’s Michael) you’d become Lewis and have his tattooed chest. He’s a size 7. (I’m an 8). And for the how, well that’s very weird. We push our two middle fingers into parts of you then we grow, shrink and transform into each other, then we kiss and you get to know about us.

Okay, where do you stick your fingers?

One in your belly button, one in your bum. There is one more thing. You’ll have our bodies, that means you’ll be able to borrow our body parts to others. If you do, make sure everything is back to normal before we swap back. Even if it’s just us two you are swapping parts with.


So when do you want to do it?

I’ve just booked us a holiday. Flight leaves in 6 hours.

We had better do it now then… we will pack then swap ok?


About half an hour later they had both packed their suit cases. They invited us to join them and stood to our sides, they raised our tops and lowered our trousers. They began to push their fingers into us. I felt every crinkle, every nail and blemish of Lewis’s fingers penetrating me. Even his ring pushed straight into me and was now under my skin. The transformation began instantly. All of our clothes disappeared and the pain began, excruciating pain across all of our bodies.

I felt myself changing. I was getting taller, my beard disappeared and was replaced by a much neater one. I was gaining ink on chest and arms and soon my clothing was replaced by a set of really expensive Burberry. My friend had transformed too and was also wearing matching Burberry. They had become us, they forced us into a four way kiss and the transformation was complete and we were now holiday ready.



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