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If there was one thing I loved it was guys with tattoos on their hands, both hands made me love them more, but hands and neck made me adore them. I had never met this guy in my life, he came to my house with another of my friends, however, as soon as I met him I knew I needed to get close to him, so close I could smell him even taste him.

My wish came true when we decided upon a garden party and we all got very drunk, but it course I didn't get as drunk as him, but he was so drunk he couldn't longer get home. He headed upstairs and I found him about an hour later fast asleep on my bed. He was face down and it was a worry if he was still breathing. I called for help from my mate, he rushed in, but good

for me that this is what he does and to just leave him, he would be fine. He then went into the next room and fell asleep too. Fuck, where am I going to sleep now?

I figured he wouldn't mind if I got into my own bed and lay next to him, if I slept I was sure he was so deep into his sleep that I would wake up before him so he would probably never know. At this point he was still fully clothed and I just lay next to him, thinking. I was a huge thinker. I had certainly got close enough to smell him, but I wasn't ready to taste him. I then noticed how short he was, our eyes were level but my feet were almost dangling off the end of the bed his we're about 10cm from the end.

Then it started to annoy me that another man had invaded my personal space, laying on my bed fully clothed, he hadn't even bothered to remove his sneakers. He was spreading his odour, his dirt and germs, his very DNA across my bed. I have no idea why but undecided if he was found to sleep in my bed, it had to be under my rules. He had to be naked. I began to remove his clothes, starting with his shoes and socks. As I did I noticed his speakers were so much lighter than mine, his feet were so much smaller. I looked at the label, UK size 7. I brought up his sneakers to my nose and gave them a good sniff. For sneakers, they smelt really good. I then pulled down his pants. I planned to leave his underwear on, but they came off too with his pants. Then I took off his top.

Wow, what a stunner this guy is. He was more or less hairless. He had pecs and abs his tattoos spread around his chest frommhismarm and neck. He was perfect to me. Even his completely soft dick was huge. I began to taste him, I licked his chest, stomach and arm pits. I held his hands with my own. I was in love with a guy I had only met a few hours earlier. I rolled him over onto his front. Then I stripped naked but I was sure to keep my boxers on. I began to pretend to grind him. Then I started to massage his back, then lick down his spine multiple times.

Then something very weird happened, an opening appeared down the spime of his back. My dick grew bigger than it had ever before. It ripped through my boxers and pushed it's self into his butt. I felt pure pleasure. This was so wrong but too intense to stop. I placed my hands on his back. Suddenly my fingers began to change, they stretched and expanded into the opening in his back. I peered into his back, he looked hollow. I pulled my hands away and tried to pull my dick out of him. My hands came away easily but my dick was not budging. It was then I realised that my dick was inside his, I could feel the hard mattress underneath. Something weird was happening.

I put my hands near the opening again. Once again my fingers grew and went inside the slit in his back. Then I realized I was able to wiggle his fingers by moving mine. I didn't try to stop it happening anymore and more of me went inside his hollow body. My feet and toes connected with his, my legs too, then my arms my torso and finally my head. All, of me was now inside him and I rolled over now that I was able to control his entire body.

My dick, his dick was huge, his ball sack was clearly full, it was swollen. I used my new tattooed hands with scruffy bitten finger nails to begin stroking it. His balls began pumping loads of cum out of the end of hhhhiiiiiii…… my glorious dick. That’s right it was my dick now and so was the rest of his amazing body. The cum wasn’t showing any signs of stopping and a solid mass was forming around my dick. I couldn’t yank it any more but I was still cumming.

Soon I recognised what was forming around my dick. It was me, or rather my former body. Soon I was fully formed and my former dick cummed all over my new chest and abs. He began to speak.

Fuck, your awake… I’m, im sorry I shouldn’t be doing this, you passed out and I took advantage.

He hadn’t realised we had actually swapped bodies. I told him it was fine but I made him clean up the cum with his tongue.

Soon after that he was asleep and I was free to explore my new body I was him now and this was amazing. Shower time I think.



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