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I loved a good game of pool, it was my go-to happy place. I was even winning the league, I was poised to at the least be second, which meant a bit of fame coming my way, but I decided I would give all that up for a chance to be as popular and attractive as iain.

Iain wrongly thought that meant I was attracted to him, he thought I wanted to bed him. He even made a bet if I could get a hole in one he would allow me to sleep with him. He couldn't be more wrong if he tried. If anything, I wanted to be him not be with him. The ned was that within 3 shots is needed to make the ball hit his butt hole and make it stay there for 5 seconds without any intervention. Of course being a star pool player I

managed to do it in one attempt.

He wasted no time in offering his body to me. He said he would be round at my house at 8 where he planned to stay for the night.

He turned up giving me the finger bang on 8pm. We played a few games on the Xbox before it was time to eat. He ordered wine and food from the local takeaway. Then around 11pm he suggested we should go to bed. I kept telling him that we really didn't have to take me to bed and that he didn't need to sleep with me but he insisted. Truth be told I was nervous I had never had a man in my ned before let alone slept with one and he seemed so powerful compared to me.

He took me to bed, we had an amazing time, he fucked me about three times and he made me cum too. But none of my cum went into him, but loads of his was now in me. I'm was tired and it was time for sleep, he decided to start to fuck me one more time, but then I fell asleep with his dick still inside me. The whole evening had been pure bliss.

I woke up with his naked body still pressed against mine, his dick still inside me. I had waves of hair in my eyes. His arm was a cross my chest. I saw his inked arms stroking my chest. I moved my arm to hold his and it was then I noticed the ink on my hand. I didn't have any tattoos. Maybe it was his hand I was looking at, but no it was my hand that was moving or at least the arm attached to my arm. I looked down at the rest of my body, it looked different. It looked like his. I moved away from him and his dick slipped out of my butt. This woke him up. He looked at me.

Oh, so it worked then, your me! You got your wish.

I guess so. It wasn't a wish really, it was a desire. But how?

I added a body swap option to the wine we had last night, I didn't think you'd mind.

Mind, not at all, only....

Only what?

Only we haven't swapped bodies, you're still you too.

Yeah, I needed to make sure it worked first, and that you were happy to swap like this. that's why I was careful not to get any of your cum in me. You haven't fully changed yet. You still have your own dick and balls. You've, well we've got two options now... First, you fill me with your cum, your dick and balls will become mine and I will become you. Second, you make yourself cum, swallow it and you will be you again. So it

's up to you, who do you want to be? Champion pool player or me?

I'd give up being a champion pool player in a heartbeat to be just like you, the fact I'm pretty much already you means I've already had that heartbeat. I'd be stupid to give this up.

I thought you'd say that. There is one more thing. The swap happens only between gay sex. To prevent us swapping with random people we have to agree to only have sex with each other for the rest of our lives. Technically we would need to agree to be a couple and get married.

Yeah I'm ok with that.

Well, what are you waiting for? Fuck me, turn me into you.

That's exactly what I did, I got his dick and balls the second I orgasmed into him and he got my body. This is going to be amazing.



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