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Well I know I’m going down for this, at the very least I’m getting arrested. I had done something bad, nothing huge nothing that hurt anybody, but the law is the law and I broke it. But I couldn’t be arrested. Prison life wasn’t for me. I went into hiding for weeks and a local manhunt was underway. I followed the local police on their twitter feed and knew the net was closing in on me.

The weirdest part was I knew my time was almost up but I had plans to escape. Not in your usual ways though. I planned a body swap with my captor. I knew who was leading my case and I knew I wanted to be him, we grew up together we were the same age, our birthdays on the same day. Only he chose a life of service and I chose a life of crime. It was right that it would be him who caught me.

My days as Pierre were almost over. Tomorrow I would begin a new life as Iain. Iain posted a pic of himself sat in his patrol car, with a picture of me.

Hi, I’m Iain, your local police officer, here to serve and protect. This is Pierre he is wanted in connection with multiple offences. If you see Pierre do not approach him and contact me immediately.

I replied to his tweet telling him exactly where to find me and my plan, my destiny was set in motion.

He arrived within 10 minutes of me tweeting him and I walked out to meet him. Then it hit me, the regrets. Everything I was, everything I am I was about to loose. MY tattoos would be gone, so would my curly hair but I was going to gain so much. Then I drank the body swapping potion. It will work and it potion was already passing through my body and being excreted through my skin and sweat. Now my feet was sealed, the next person who I come into contact with will be given my body and my life and I will take his. There was no one else around, just me and Iain.

Iain briefly spoke to me telling me some bullshit about him having to do this and that he didn’t want too. He reached into his work belt and grabbed some handcuffs. He told me to put my hands behind my back, which I did. He held a gun to me with one hand and went behind to cuff me with the other. As his perfect hand grabbed my arm, I felt the metal of the handcuffs flip around my wrist. But the then everything changed. I could see my own body standing there being cuffed, the cold metal between my hand and not around my wrist. I felt a gun in my other hand, it had worked. I was Iain.

The next photo I took was of my former body getting a mug shot. I don’t know whether he was drained from the swap, or the body swap drug had affected him but he looked stoned. I know I wasn’t stoned when that body was mine. Gosh, all this muscle, testosterone and power. I’ll enjoy being him



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