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Hey Rob, do you want the good news or the bad news?

Knowing you, there's no difference.

Well, there is. The good news is your in line for a promotion. The bad news is Dan has phoned in sick again and I've got to be polite and ask you, but we need you to cover his shift.

So are you asking me or telling me?

Asking with a hint of pushiness.

No worries boss, I'll cover for him providing you don't make me do what you did last time.

Great, what did we make you do?

You made me run the afternoon shift with dans body. I can't go through a change like that again.

Unfortunately, you would need to use dans body for your double shift. It's still you inside, you just look like him.

Exactly boss, I'm still me I'm just look like him, I do my want to do it, I'll do it in my own body, not his.

Human resources and health and safety would have a field day with all the broken rules if we did that! You're going to have to become him to do the shift. Remember the promotion.

Fuck. I don't want a promotion if I have to swap bodies with someone just to cover their shift. I'm happy being me, i like being the cute, scally, boy next door type. It's horrendous when I have to turn into him. He's a bear type. I know he's not ugly or fat, far from it. But “growing” into him isn't nice. Watching myself, feeling myself growing everywhere, gaining a beard, I can't stand it. I hate it when I use his hands. Everytime I look at them I know they aren't mine and it makes me feel sick. Then when I need to eat, filling his stomach. Then I need to go pee and shit, peeing and shutting in some one else body isn't nice you know. Do you know how disgusting I feel when I watch my body turn into his. How much it pains me to grow, even if it was just my feet turning from my manly smallish size 7’s into his huge giant sized ones, but it’s not it’s all of me. How much it hurts when my face sprouts a beard. Not to mention having to be naked for the transformation. When my toes push through my shoes, that almost kills me. Watching my own body disappear is horrid, I always get a sickly feeling in my stomach, well dans stomach, that I’m gone forever.

You make me laugh. Hurting to grow a beard.

Well my face can’t grow one.

Ok well taking a shit in his body. That’s funny. And the system swaps your clothes too, why would it hurt you?

It swaps our clothes last so my feet grow through the steel toe caps. Do you know how many times he’s been “sick”, how many times I’ve had his body. 8, 8 times in the last 3 months! 8 bloody times! What if he’s really sick this time? I’ll be sick won’t I?

No you won’t be sick, you don’t get his “live” body. You get it from the last time he swiped into work with the palm reader. That was yesterday, he wasn’t sick then! Besides, I shouldn’t be telling you this but it’s more to do with his mental health rather than his physical health.

Oh, I always thought he was putting it on, for a sick day! Ok. I’ve got an idea. It helps me when I’ve got to do it. You said you hate watching your self become someone else. I find it helps if I watch someone else become me. I know it’s weird but it helps. What if I became you, stay a few more hours and go home. We can meet back here at the end of dans shift and swap back. HR won’t notice a few hours, but they will notice a full shift.

Yeah I can see how that might help. Watching someone become me might help. Okay I’ll do it.

Thanks rob, your a star! Meet me in the “room” at the end of your swap.

Once there I programmed the machine to transform rob into Dan and me into rob. We both stripped naked and placed our palms on the scanners. The change began instantly. I knew I was changing I could feel it I was getting smaller and younger. Rob was smiling from ear to ear, watching me become him. I watched as rob grew. He was a beautiful man and I was getting his body more and more with every breath I took. It was exactly as he described, his feet grew, hair grew in his arms and face. It’s boyish feature’s looked strange with a beard, as it was painful he began to itch it and I laughed at him. His feet stretched and slowly but surely he was indeed becoming dan. The swap completed as clothing appeared on our skin. Then a short sharp zap of power shocked our hands and we were released from the machine. Rob who was now dan started feeling himself. I asked what he was doing and he said he was checking everything was there. He knew dans body almost like the back of his own hand but the experience was still surreal. He then went to sniff his pits.

Secretly, you know I do enjoy getting dans body. I love how manly I feel. I hate the actual transformation but once I’m him I don’t mind.

Then something I really wasn’t expecting. He reached his huge hands out for mine. I was now fully him. He held his old hands with his new ones. He caressed them, kissed them and then asked a question.

Mind if I kiss you? Well me?

Erm, I guess not.

So he did, it was the most amazing kiss I’d ever experienced. But after about a minute of it I pushed him away and said yuck!

He asked. I kiss my own lips with dans borrowed ones and you say yuck!

Yeah, I’ve never kissed anyone with a beard before. It felt weird, but powerful.

But it was good yeah?


So you’ll be back in 8 hours then?

Yep, see you soon!



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