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Well, today was the strangest day of my life. I had organised a community event of a huge fun fair and I got talking to the owner of the fair. A gipsy traveller by the name of TJ. I only briefly said I would love his job, getting to ride all the rides whenever I wanted too, travelling the country. What I didn't expect was for him to offer me a job by means of his job, his life and his body but with a weird twist.

He told me he could swap bodies with anyone he wanted too. He called it a curse. That was because he had to swap his body with someone else every Friday at midday, exactly one hoir before the fair opened for the weekend. He had been cursed by a fortune teller when they had a falling out on his 16th birthday. It was his body that had the curse now he was about to turn 26 and had swapped bodies with someone each and every week for the last ten years.

The twist was that I couldn't tell anyone that the real him had left his own body and life to break his curse and become someone else, but he needed to ensure that I wouldn't break the curse. If the curse or gift as I preferred to call it was ever broken his body would age dramatically and for each day his body hadn't swapped he would age by 1 year. He also told me that he usually swapped with one other person, a lad he had known all of his life and was the only one he trusted. A lad called Vern. He had only ever swapped with him and it was only him he would allow running his travelling fair business. He did say I could break with tradition but he didn't really want me too. If I was to agree to this he would be giving up his life and I could run the his company any way I wanted but Vern had been his right arm, and left arm and everything else for many years and he would like it to stay that way. Providing we swapped every Friday at midday there wouldn’t be any problems.

I had a million questions running through my head, who was Vern? what did he look like? how did they swap? was Vern happy about it could I swap with someone else midweek and swap back to normal before Friday? Plus a load more that I reeled off to him. The fact I had questions pleased him. It meant he knew I was interested. More than interested, I wanted to agree right away. I would instantly inherit a successful company, a travelling fair plus many other side lines, I’d drop about 15 years in age and loose a few pounds in weight.

He told me to relax, all of my questions would reveal their answers when I swapped into his body. But he answered a few main ones. The swap happened while they were fully clothed, there was no intimacy but there was sex, gay sex that began at 11.30am every Friday morning. It was a fuck and swap. they made sure they both lasted a full 15 minutes fucking each other so that the swap began at midday and completed by half twelve in time to open the fair at 1. Their bodies literally grew into each others including their memories and clothes. He said I could swap with anyone else and swap back when ever I wanted but only when I had his body not Verns. It was a must that I swapped back otherwise, like we may be about to do I would never get back to His/my body. He had done it once and he loved it but the lad he did it with held it against him and things didn’t turn out too well. He told me Vern was extremely happy about it and enjoyed the business side of things. He loved being Vern. Then he showed me a picture.

Vern was fit as hell and it sealed my fete and I said yes, when can we do it? Then I realised it was Wednesday.

TJ it’s Wednesday I’ll be Vern in 2 days. That doesn’t give me much time to experience being you.

Your right of course but think of it as a trial. If you don’t like being me or the idea of swapping bodies every week, let me know by Friday morning and I’ll take my life and body back. Trust me you’ll be sick of seeing my body soon enough, you’ll be Vern for a week then back to being me. Vern knows he doesn’t have a choice about the swap back, because if we don’t we will both age now as his body now has the same curse because we have swapped so much.

I won’t be changing my mind.

I’m sure you won’t but I’ll hang about for a while on Friday morning, maybe watch you swap then I’ll know for sure. As for when, right now my van is round the back.

Your van.

Oh sorry, it will be your van soon.

Ok but what van?

Your caravan, your home. Your a traveler now or soon will be.

Shit, im really doing this.

He led me to his van, I noticed how messy it was, I hated the way it looked but I wanted this so badly. He pushed me down on the bed and raised my legs onto his shoulders. Id never done anything like this before and he didn’t waste anytime ploughing his dick into me. And trust me it felt like a plough ripping me up. It wasn’t long before the juicy cream from his dick filled me up. He pulled his dick out of me and repositioned him self and hovered over my own rock hard dick. He grabbed it with his hand and guided it into his butt. He began pounding my dick and it gave me great pleasure I was enjoying it enormously and I creamed into him. He then removed him self from me and he lay next to me. It will start any moment he said.

He was right it was starting to happen I felt warm and fuzzy inside. I sat up on his bed and he sat opposite me. It started slowly and I watched as he grew in size and every feature of him was replaced with mine. I knew it was over as his beautiful face became mine and I felt his clothes grow from within my body and mine appear on him. It was like looking at a mirror image only I knew I didn’t look like me anymore. Memories of him suddenly started appearing in my head and I now knew everything about him. He stood up and he invited me to do the same. He was now taller than I was and I had to look up to see my former bodies face

It was over I was tj and he was me I was made up I wanted to explore my new body but there wasn’t time I had a fair to manage.

A few days later my former body visited on Friday at 11.30 he watched at Vern began the ritual of the body swap. It took him exactly 15 minutes for him to cum and I repaid the pleasure and cummed in him. My former body watched me turn from tj into Vern. I saw him leave as verns cap appeared on my head. I loved becoming Vern a break from managing the fair, but I also couldn’t wait to become tj again



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