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Perfect, there is six of you and six of us, one on one training. You'd be amazed how many times they send us too many or not enough. I take it you lads are here for the work experience?

We sure are, don't push us too hard. We are only used to college life.

You'll do whatever is needed just like the rest of us, that's what work experience is all about. You all look pretty decent.

Pretty decent what's that supposed to mean?

Well, we get all kinds. Fat lads, that physically can't do the job. Geeky lads who want to sit at a computer all day. Lads that ain't built for physical work, want an office job, they even sent us a girl a few weeks back, just to avoid any questions about sexism. We don't have many girls working on the physical jobs so it was hard to find a match, it's not sexism it's just how the trades work. A few weeks earlier we had this gay lad, called himself twink, that week was horrendous. Again, nothing against gays, but if your into that sort of thing it's best to keep it at home.

Yeah, we are all normal.

I just need to check one thing. You are all over 18 right?

Yeah, most of us are almost 19.

Except me boss, I'm 18 tomorrow. About that I was hoping to get tomorrow and the day after off? Reckon it will be a problem? Fred asked, he's the one directly in the middle with the champion tracksuit.

Time off, no chance! Your ours for two weeks straight. Your time off is Sunday, half day Saturday. However, you can't start work until your are 18.

Yes, later lads. I'll see you tomorrow.

Not so fast. I always ask for one who's not 18, but will be during the work experience, to do all the paperwork. It will be a long day for you with paperwork for six lads. I hope your smart enough to get all the tests right! And you'll need to use a computer to make everyone's ID’s.

Yeah, I'm smart and can use a computer.

Great, so I'm sure your tutors told you it's a 2-way thing. Work experience works both ways.

Yeah we know all the speil!

Well, you don't know it all. Our company works slightly different to most. You see your one-on-one training is from an ageing workforce whose bodies are no longer in tip-top shape. Our employees are all between 35 and 50. We need guys like you, the young ones to get our jobs done.

Okay, what's today's work?

This week, starting today, we have a 2 storey house extension to build, a conservatory, a garden to re landscape, a full inter decoration and a patio to lay. That sounds a lot but we should finish most of it inside the week, except for the extension.

Yeah, easy with us six and you six.

That's just it, there will only be six of you!

Six of us, what about the six of you?

Well, that's why we are different. You see we are going to give you the experience one on one. We will be inside your bodies. That's why we are different. We had possession to train our work experience lads. It's two-way. You learn everything they know by the end of it and they get their minds refreshed to that of your 18 year old college standard whilst retaining the it knowledge too. Sure you know absolutely everything about each other when you separate and there is a bit of confusion at first but it soon subsides.

Confusion, what kind of confusion, said Connor, far right.

Glad you asked. It's nothing serious... If you don't mind me asking, what size shoe are you?

I'm a 9.

Well, Connor, I'm an 11. If I was to possess you for the next two weeks then when we separate and someone asked you what size shoe you had, you'd probably say 11. It only lasts about a week.

I don't want anyone possessing me, it's wrong and shouldn't be allowed. Said harry, far left wearing gloves.

Yeah, only freaks would allow this, said Caleb, the half-cast lad in the white top.

Connor, Caleb, it is allowed and no one here is a freak.

Does it hurt, shouted karl at the back.

All you will feel is someone pressing against you, then you'll fall asleep for a few seconds while one of us takes over. After that, you can still see and feel everything we do in your body, you can still talk to us in our merged minds. You just can't control your own bodies.

You all look pretty big, are you going to fit inside us? Who gets to chose who goes inside who? Said Fred.

Fred, don't worry, the smallest one of us will go inside you. It doesn't matter anyway, it's us that change to fit our hosts, you. It's us that feel, the pain. And we don't really pick, we each line up according to height and then go inside the one that matches us the most. Look lads, at the end of the day, this is work experience it's for two weeks at the end of it you will all get a job. I've known our company take on lads like you and pay them double pay if they allow their bodies to be used 9-5 by our older employees. Fred, no one can possess you until tomorrow!

Wait, I still have a question. Said, John. The lad in Fred perry wearing a cap.

So many questions, go ahead John.

Aren't there changes to us during this possession?

Yes, there is. Good point. Well, for each week we are inside you, the age of our bodies will decrease by one year. The direct effect of that is that for each week you will age by 1 year. That's another reason why it's a two-way thing. By the end of the two weeks you'll look 2 years older, our guys will lookm2 year's younger, it's a weird side effect. You should of been told all of this before signing up for this.

We probably were but weren't listening. Do you leave our bodies for the weekend off in between?

No, we stay inside you for the whole two weeks.

Okay, well we had better get this over with. Anything we need to do?

Nope, we will be sitting down and all you need to do is sit down too, on us. All except you, Fred. You'll have to wait until tomorrow.

That's fine, I'll just watch.

Moments later, five men were sat in a room on chairs. I watched my five friends sit down on their laps. As promised, they nodded off and seconds later they had absorbed the men they were sitting on and woke up. If I hadn't seen it happen, I wouldn't have believed it. They all got up, and quickly examined their new body. Looking at their hands, and their clothes, they felt their new faces and lifted their tops to see their stomachs and they lowered their trousers to see their new dicks. All five of them seemed impressed. They changed their trainers for brand new pairs of steel toe cap boots granted anew hi vis vest with their new names on and a pair of gloves each. They were ready for work and all headed off in a van. I was led to their training room, where I created ID cards for all 6 of us and completed the health & safety tests for each of them. I was asked to go in earlier the next morning and I agreed. I knew what it was for. Although I looked scared and worried about it all, secretly I was looking forward to someone being inside me for two weeks.

I arrived the next day wearing the exact same clothes as I did the day before, the grey champion tracksuit, my white t-shirt, even my underwear, socks, cap and trainers were the same. I knew the guy who was going to possess me wouldn't mind that. I didn't even bother to shower. He would get to enjoy me at my worst. I arrived at work, Chris, the man who had been giving us the introduction was sitting in the chair. I wasted no time sitting on his lap, I fell asleep and he went inside me.

I felt it all and once he was all the way inside me I enjoyed every moment of it. I hope he doesn't want to leave.

Of course he did leave, but I was the only one who was offered the contract formally the pay providing I would let them use my body every day from 9-5 of course I accepted. The job came with a weird side effect. I could now allow ANYONE inside me and I could get inside anyone I wanted as well. Each weekend I chose to use one of my mates bodies. I started with Connor. He was the tallest and I was sick of being so short. I loved being him. The next weekend I went into harry. That was an amazing 2 weeks, his glove fetish was weird though and I couldn't crack it. I kept them on too. After that I became Caleb.

Oh my word, Caleb is beautiful inside and out. His body is perfect in every way. It took some time getting used to having darker skin. But the old saying of once you go black, you never look back is true. I haven't been all of my mates yet and I think I'm going to have to become called again next week. Or maybe ill get a sick note for work and stay as him for a whole week. He wont mind.



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