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Babe, where are you?

I’m out, decided to take the bike on a run.

The bike? You mean my bike.

Yeah, your bike. Well about that, I was hoping to keep it.

Keep it sure, but you know you can’t ride. I’m looking forward to getting back out there when we swap back later. It’s been a whole year and we have to fuck today or we will not be able to swap back.

Well, the thing is I prefer us like this, I prefer being you I was hoping…..

Hoping I’d want to stay as you?

Yeah. I like your body more, I actually like being hairless, and for some weird reason I prefer being ginger. And sex this way, it’s awesome.

Well, I wasn’t expecting this. You were horrified a year ago when it happened and I thought you’ve hated the last year.

I hated it at first, but the longer I’ve had your body, had your life the more I’ve enjoyed it. Don’t you prefer things this way?

I wouldn’t say prefer, but yeah it’s been good. Not sure if I want to stay this way though. Maybe we should swap back, for a while, make the wish again and swap again.

I don’t know if I want to risk not becoming you again. I’m happy like this. Your body has really grown on me, and I think I wear it better.

Yeah, my body has grown on you, you’ve improved it. At least come home and talk about it. We have five more hours till midnight then it’s too late anyway.

Five hours, is it 7pm already? I’m at least two hours away. I’ll head back now, but I’m not promising we will swap back.

That’s fine babe, come home. Two hours will give me time to think some more about this.


Babe…. Are you coming back?

Babe, ok we can stay like this.

Babe, it’s 11pm, are you coming back?

Sorry, yeah I’m coming, I’ll be two hours, I decided to stay and make sure we couldn’t swap back.

Yeah, I’m glad you did. I’ve been really horny and we would definitely of had sex when you got home, but it’s fine I’m happy to stay like this.

See you soon, thanks babe.



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