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No way man, that’s just weird.

Don’t look so pissed off about it, but trust me it’s not as weird as you think. Loads of guys do it. Celebrities, soccer players famous people, in fact it’s probably more weird that you don’t do it.

No it’s way too weird, well out of comfort zone. Why would anyone want to use someone else’s body? Why would anyone, why would you want mine?

Until you’ve tried it you’ll never know why people want to use others bodies and like it. It all started when the world went into lockdown but now it’s just a normal thing. Why you, why not? pretty hot young lad that’s why. Quite like your skater boy looks, ripped jeans, waved hair, you know.

I’ll probably never know then. Couldn’t let someone use MY body as if it were their own.

Look, the likelihood is someone has probably already used your body as if it were there own. Wouldn’t you rather know about it?

Wait people will have taken my body without me knowing?

Yep, probably. You’ve probably got a few blanks over the last few years when you can’t remember the last few days or weeks sometimes.

Yeah I have had a few times like that. How do I stop it?

You can’t, not unless you know it can happen. Once you’ve swapped once, you’ll know if someone tries to take over you and can stop it happening. It’s like a sixth sense.

So I don’t really have a choice do I?

Of course you do. But if you don’t, others might just take your body and give it back when they are ready, at least you’ll know it is happening. But at least if you let me do it with you, then you know who is using your body.

There is that I suppose, what happens to me whilst your me?

You’d become me.

So it’s a body swap thing?

Yes. Just for a while. Your first time has to be a body swap, but after that you can agree to turn yourself into a body part of your own or an item of clothing.

Right, and how long does this last for..?

As long as you want. A day, a week, a month even a year, but it’s hardly worth doing for a day, and it can’t be more than a year.

Okay, well if I agree to it. I’ll do it for a week maximum. Just to gain this sixth sense your talking about. How do we do it anyway?

Well, if someone “takes” you, they just walk up behind you, walk through you then as they walk away they take your body with them, leaving you in their body without even realising. They will know your routine and find you to swap back eventually. But because we know we are going to swap we can do it that way or slightly differently. My favourite way is for me to sit or lie on the body of the guy I’m swapping with. It’s a little bit gayer, but it’s fun.

So I don’t need to do anything. You can just sit on me here and now and we will swap?

Yep. When I sit on you, your dick will get really hard, really quick, it will push through your clothes and mine. Penetrate my butt. I’ll need to position my self to the way your sitting as closely as possible, put my feet on yours, my hands on top of yours, then I’ll sink down and you’ll go inside me. Eventually your body will raise out of mine but it will leave you behind in my body. With your new body’s dick in thr butt of your former body. At that point we will both cum and I’ll be able to stand up with your body, fully swapped.

So I’m gonna have to fuck you, then fuck myself basically?

Kind of, it it’s far more automatic and quick than a fuck.

Well if I’m gonna do it, I’ll have to do it now before I change my mind.

Honestly, you won’t regret it.

He got into a more suitable position and I sat on his lap. I immediately started to merge with him. And I felt his dick push into me. I began to sink and felt all of him inside me our minds mergether and then he became detached from me as he began to rise taking my body with him. Soon I knew I was ready to cum. I reached around to feel my former dick with my new hands and we both cummed together. Me into my former butt and him into my new hands he stood up and we were fully swapped. This was going to be a really fun week.



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