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Either he’s working too hard or not getting enough sleep, or perhaps it’s because every time he has done this I’ve taken over his body for a few hours. I should probably stop but it’s just too easy and it’s so much fun being him for a few hours each day.

Oh well we are at his place now and his bird is looking out of the window expecting him to get out of the van only he is really hard to wake up. Fuck I’m going to have to take him again. I’m gonna have to stop this. But right now the urge is too great.

Fuck, I’m sure he never washes his clothes, maybe that’s what he does when I don’t take over him and I’ve done it for weeks now. I don’t usually take him on a Friday because it means I’ve gotta stay as him till Monday, and I’m gonna have to touch that uniform of his. His bird is going to be wondering what’s going on if he doesn’t get out soon. Fuck I’ve been him for four nights already and I know he hasn’t showered in all that time. He’s gonna stink. And I’m gonna have to deal with that stink. And he’s probably going to realise that I’ve been him all when he has no memories of the weekend.

I picked up his phone, used his finger print to unlock it. I opened the messages and began typing a message.

Babe, I’m gonna go out for a bit with the lads.

She quickly text back, ok babe, have a nice time. I had made my decision. I was taking his body for the weekend. First stop was a clothing shop, then the gym for a shower, then I’d get him a new phone, then I’d go out, get laid in his body for the first time then go home and snuggle into his babe. I drove around the corner where no one could see and got out of the van and walked to the other side opening his door. It disturbed him a bit but not enough to wake him up. I climbed in and sat on him. I positioned my body so it was closely matching the position of his.

It was at that moment I realised what the hole in the front of his trousers was. That had been made by my repeated takeover of his body. Each time I did this his dick became instantly hard and shot through his underwear and trousers. It was his dick that had made the hole. My trousers had a similar hole in the rear. His dick plunged its was into my butt every time I did this and seconds later I began sinking down into his body. It never took that long to takeover him, probably around 2 minutes but those two minutes I couldn’t move, see, hear or feel anything. Then once I was fully inside him his body woke up, it was always a shock. That process was now complete. Gowd, I was filthy and I stunk. I needed to change quick, maybe it would be easier to nip to his house, shower and change but I didn’t want to end up with a full weekend with just his bird. And the thrill of going out in his body was what I was longing.

I jumped across to the drivers seat and drive to a clothes shop, I bought some going out clothes and some gym gear. Now it was time to explore his sexy body and get rid of his stink. Scrub up well don’t I?



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