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Fridays. Always dress down day at work. I normally wear a really smart shirt and tie and a business jacket. Being the ceo of a billion dollar company, one has too. Even though it was Friday I always looked smart.

The company had started a huge expansion project a few weeks back and I often found my self looking out of the window at the works going on below. Yesterday though I was watching the lads working with much more detail. I found myself being fixated on one particular lad who was covered in tattoos and flaunting the no smoking site rules. I was about to call the site foreman and then send a heavily worded email but then the guy looked up at my office window, saw me and winked at me. I was furious.

I began thinking to myself if I were him I’d never disobey rules the way he is doing. But then something weird happened. I was no longer in my office, instead I was out on the yard cleaning up.

Cleaning up, I’d never do something so mundane. I took a drag of a cigarette and tossed it to the floor. Cleaning, smoking, littering… what’s going on this isn’t like me. Then as I looked down at my clothing, I was dressed completely different. T-shirt, trackies, a high vis and work boots. Then I saw my arms. A tattoo with the name Carson adorned my arm. Who the fuck is Carson? And why are my arms covered in tattoos? Wait this isn’t my body I’ve switched into the worker dude in the yard. It must be something to do with that wink. I looked up to my office window and there was my body laughing at me sticking fingers up at me. I needed to sort this out so I started marching towards the security gates. They wouldn’t let me through even though I was the ceo of the company and knew all the codes to get in they wouldn’t let me through. My former body looked at me through the window laughed and winked at me. At that very second I got an immense headache and all his memories were released into my head. Carson was his son, no MY 2 year old son.

I had no choice but to go home wearing his clothes and his body. I felt used, abused and dirty. I got home, got undressed and showered my new hopefully temporary body. I’ve got to admit being in a labourers body is pretty hot. I fell asleep a few hours later. Waking up the next morning, I knew it was dress down Friday, but I was still in his body, I was already dressed down, there wasn’t any point getting new, clean clothes so I just put yesterdays on, I was going to get dirty anyway.



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