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No way bro, that’s disgusting.

It’s not, it’s the way I do it. Guys like you hire my body by removing my sock with their teeth and licking my foot.

Guys like me huh?

Yeah guys who want to try what it’s like to be me.

Yeah I want that, but taking your sock off with my teeth and licking your foot, it’s weird. It might not be too bad if it were the beginning of the day and your sock and feet were clean, but it’s the end of the day and you’ve been stoping around in your boots sweating away all day in that sock, it will be horrible.

Honestly mate, you’ll enjoy it and the rewards at the end are worth it. It’s easier when my feet are a little sweaty and smelly. The takeover is far easier when I’ve done a hard days graft than it is at the beginning of the day. If you want it, want me, this is the only way you can do it.

But mate, I only want your body to use your skills at home.

I know that, but without me, it’s going to take you weeks or cost you thousands licking my foot is a small price to pay. Two weeks labour or a kick of a foot. A foot that will be yours for a month or until your new kitchen is fitted.

Any you can do everything I’ll need to fit a kitchen?

Yeah, though you’ll need a gas engineer for half a day to fit your cooker, and a sparky for a day to fit and certify the electrics.

So it’s still going to cost me?

No, I know a sparky and a gas engineer, you’ll just need to borrow their bodies to do it yourself.

So I’ll. we’d to lick their feet too?

Yep. They don’t charge, there happy getting a day as me.

Your really something aren’t you? Or at least you think you are..

I am something mate. There isn’t many able to swap bodies like this and no one else I know who is willing to let others use their body for free to get jobs done like yours. Plus I’m an attractive guy. A lot of my mates know they can’t be with me, so they choose to be me for a few days.

Ok, well I’ll want to see this spark and gas lad before I agree to become them for a day each.

Mate, you’ll have full access to everything about me, my body, my memories, even my social media, you’ll know wha to know so you’ll be able to see them before you agree to become them.

Okay, fine, let’s get this over with.

I knew you’d see sense. Here you go pal, my foot and therefore my body is all yours.

I began picking at his sock with my teeth, tugging and pulling it as hard as I could. I doubted this would work but I had to try. I was already beginning to feel weird and then his sock slid off his foot and I was able to access his foot, the smell that came with the removal of the sock was rank. I started at the base of his foot and licked all the way up. As soon as I reached the top of his toes I pulled away. I was definitely feeling off now.

Mate, that was rank, the taste is so horrible. I’ve done it for you but I doubt I’ll be able to do it for the sparky or gas engineer. Is it even working?

Oh it’s working, can’t you feel it? Your half the man you were. My foot is absorbing you into my body, I can feel you already. Your almost all the way imside me now, enjoy your time



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