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So, your twenty five tomorrow mate, are you happy with your achievements so far?

What kind of question is that mate?

Just a question Tom, that’s all. I’ve found myself wondering about my own life lately and well wondered if it were normal for guys our age to begin to question life.

Don’t be getting all philosophical on me Jake.

I’m not, I’m just wondering that’s all.

Okay, well I’m happy with my achievements. Being a senior IT infrastructure engineer with a Hefty wage, especially since I work for a company quite low down on the scale of things. I’ve got a good body, great friends around me, into sports so you know, yeah, I’m pretty happy. There’s a bit of stress in my life at times and work can be challenging, when we come across problems. I suppose there is always ways to improve, but life’s good. How about you?

You see, that’s the bit I’m questioning, the room for more bit. What if I could of done more, been more, is it too late now?

It’s never too late to change and be better. My thoughts on ways to improve were experiencing what the lads on the lower pay grades feel like. You know the lads that come to us day after day that don’t seem to have a brain cell between them all and experience what goes through their heads when the same problem occurs day after day and all we do it is tell them to turn it off and on again.

You could do that easy. They are always crying out for overtime downstairs.

So I’d do my own job for 8 hours, do overtime for 6, chill for 2 and sleep for 8, where’s the fun in that. Besides I’d go home with a drained mind and a drained body. Have you seen what the guys down there are expected to lift? Stress from my own job and a sore body too? No I don’t fancy it.

What if there was a way for you to do it without doing overtime?

What do you mean, like a job swap?

Kind of.

No I don’t fancy that. I don’t fancy all that hard graft. Besides no one downstairs could handle the stress from IT.

Probably not, but what if there was a way? For you to experience a day in the life of one of the lads. Literally become them inside and out, whilst they get to be you and experience a day in the life of you?

I still don’t think I’d do it. But you have peaked my interest because your kind of talking in riddles. Become them inside and out?

Yes Tom, you would literally become someone else inside and out. It’s a mutual agreement, between you and one of the lads. I’ve developed a program and it needs two users to be connected to it. Via finger print recognition which is installed on all our devices and your passwords. You see I’m looking for a Guinea pig. I’ve already found one of the lads who wants to try it. I just need someone from a higher pay grade and intelligence for him to swap with. I would do it myself but I need to stay as me in case of problems, which there won’t be, but just in case. Oh and just so you know, it’s for a week. It’s a week in the life of Kieron, and his body.

Kieron wants to do it? I might be persuaded to do it with Kieron. He is probably the highest achiever. He’s not too stupid.

His intelligence doesn’t really matter any way. You keep your knowledge and gain his too. Your not going to be dumbed down. You just need to live his life the same way he would and after a week you swap back.

It’s a bit weird though mate. Becoming someone else. Using, controlling their body whilst they control mine.

Tom, if this works the way it’s supposed to, then you shouldn’t even realise your different. You’ll just be Kieron. You’ll look like him, smell like him, feel like him and behave like him. It will probably be a bit of a shock the first time you look in the mirror, but I bet it will be quite pleasurable to see someone else looking back at you.

And what about when Kieron needs to take a piss, I’ll have to hold his junk. You know, touch his dick with my hands.

Tom, you’ve got to look it in a different way. You will be Kieron. His hands, his dick his entire body will belong to you. You will be taking a piss using his body, touching your own dick using your own hands, his his dick, his hands, his body will be yours.

I suppose there is that. A week you say?

Yes a week, as a trial. You can do it again if you like it. But no longer than a week, I promise.

Okay, I guess Kieron is already prepped for this?

Yes, he’s literally sat at my desk, waiting to hit enter after typing in his password.

Oh, so we are doing it now?

Yeah. That was the plan.

Well I suppose it’s the best way, no time for me to think about it and change my mind.

Exactly. All you need to do is sit at your desk. The program is already running. Log on using your fingerprint and password. The rest will take care of itself.

I walked into the office and Kieron was sat in jakes seat, he winked at me as I sat down.

Kieron, this had better not be some kind of set up to steal my body and life.

No, no, it’s not mate. I just wanna experience the high life, a week is long enough for me.

And your not some kind of freak with weird rituals are you?

No mate, I’m normal me.

No false body parts, you don’t smell or anything do you?

I’m fully intact and I do smell a bit after work, you normal stuff, but it’s nothing a shower can’t fix. I’m the hardest worker I’m here. I could ask the same questions of you……

Exactly. Tom, play nicely he has just a big a risk as you do. You could smell, you could have weird fettishs that seem normal to you but are insane to him.

Fine, here I’ve put my password in, so we both need to press enter? Ready?

I heard the keyboard click as Kieron used his finger to press enter. Fuck, we are really doing this I thought as I pressed enter too. Literally seconds later I was sat on the opposite side of the room facing a body all to familiar, my own. I removed my hand from the keyboard and looked at them. Fuck, I’m Kieron, these hands are mine now. Weirdly, I was quite excited by this, like actually turned on. Jake was right I was going to enjoy this. I hadn’t lost any of my smarts I could still remember all the stuff from my own body, so if I wanted too I could still work in the IT industry, but it wasn’t interesting me right now. I was far more focused on being Kieron, I wanted to play sports, drive fast cars, hit the town and find some cute boys. Boys? Wait, Kieron is gay? I’m gay? Sweet, I’m gonna enjoy it. A week as Kieron is going to be amazing. Jake made some final checks on his laptop and confirmed we had fully swapped and hen let us both go. I headed down to the bathroom snapped a mirror selfie and uploaded it to kierons Grindr profile. I took care to unbotton my trousers and thought the boys are going to love this. I began to explore my new body. He was right he did have a bit of a smell too him, but it was just a days work kind of smell, nothing bad. It was going to be fun scrubbing him clean later.

Kieron, of course had my body and as he walked away from the desk which was now his, I saw him checking me out. When I was Tom, I was single. I saw his trousers tenting as he saw me controlling his real body. He bit his lip, my lip. He was clearly seduced by himself. I giggled a little. As I did, a text came through from Jake.

Hey guys, I saw you checking each other out just before you left. Just to make it clear, do not under any circumstances sleep with each other. Your fine to meet up, hook up, kiss and everything else. But absolutely no sex with each other. If you don’t meet to switch after seven days to swap back there is an automatic recall to swap you back on day eight. If you have sex the automatic recall is cancelled and it becomes impossible to swap you back. I need to ensure this trial succeeds so please allow it too and swap back on day seven. After that, I’m fine if you want to swap again and make it permanent.

What the fuck is he on about, I wouldn’t want to date myself, Tom, he’s such a geek with all his computer stuff. I thought. But he’s got a good body on him and I know it all too well. Maybe dating myself isn’t such a bad idea? I thought to myself.

Date myself. Hhhhmmmmm, that’s such a sexy idea. I know all my bodies turn ons and g spots. That would make it an amazing date. The new Tom thought to him self.

Tom, I’ve got your body and mind now. I know what your thinking. Let’s see how this week plays out first before we make any rash decisions, at least make sure the trial works. No sex ok? I’m fine if you want to hook up go on a date or anything.

Fuck, I’ve made the first move on him, on me. That’s so unlike me.



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