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There was nothing normal about our game of rugby that we played against our local rivals traditionally on new year's day. Of course it wasn't a traditional rugby game, for a start it was often played with all the players shirtless, with the only time you'd be allowed to wear a top was if you were on the bench.

I had managed to get promoted during the last season to captain. But what I didn’t realise when I got the promotion was that I wouldn’t be captain of this team much longer. I was only told just before the game started. All the lads kept telling me to make sure I got my body extremely dirty, especially if we lost. I had no idea why. But just before kick off, the coach came to me. He started dating good by to me, saying it’s been a pleasure having me as captain. I asked him to explain what he meant.

He told me that the tradition at the end of the game was to swap bodies with the captain of the rival team. I didn’t want to do it and asked if I could stop being captain, right there and then. He told me it was impossible and even if he could stop me being captain, it wouldn’t matter, the body swap machine had already been programmed and at the end of the game both captains would need to walk through the tunnel together and be led into a room and hooked up to a machine.

I told him that I would refuse to do it. He told me it was 100 years to the day that our teams had followed this tradition and that if I did refuse and decided to leave that I would be found and then the swap would be forced upon me. I had no choice. However, I did manage to get my body extremely dirty during the game and even more so just after. The coach took one last departing picture of me, as their captain, with the team. He remarked he had never seen another captain get so into it with getting their body dirty.

Of course during the game, I’d been watching the other captain quite a lot. He had the skills and the moves. But his body, it wasn’t a stereotypical rugby boys body. He looked more like a soccer player. Lanky and slim. He had one of them ‘Adam’s apples’ on his throat, something that had always intrigued me about guys, they always seemed to have husky sounding voices. I wasn’t looking forward to becoming him.

As we walked to the tunnel I saw the other team captain walk over to me. He hasn’t bothered getting dirty. As he got closer I hated the way he looked even more. Tiny nipples, hairless chest, lanky as fuck and almost twinkish. He looked over at me saw my dick flapping around and laughed.

Is that what I’m getting? A tiny pencil dick?

Trust me, it grows huge mate.

I don’t need to trust you, I ain’t got a choice, your body will be mine soon enough. And I’ll be testing my new dick on my old body, so you better be ready to be fucked.

Yeah , I’ve heard about that tradition too. You’d better be planning on doing it on the shower. Your body is so clean and I wouldn’t wanna dirty it, well I wouldn’t want you to get any mud on me.

You got it dirty, you’ll be cleaning it. Scrubbing me down once we’ve swapped.

We headed through the tunnel. He put his arm around me briefly. Transferring some mud onto his arm. Then he did something I really wasn’t expecting. He grabbed my dick. I got hard real quick. I didn’t think I was gay but he got me really hard really quick. I got a little embarrassed and told him to get off. He then reminded me that he could touch whatever he wanted as my dick was going to be his dick soon.

We followed our coach’s into a room where there was a machine with 2 chairs all connected together with wires. We both sat down opposite each other. The coaches pressed the buttons. We were told not to do anything just watch each other. They said it always began at our feet. I was still completely naked with the exception of my boots. He wasn’t far behind and was only wearing boots, socks and shorts.

I watched it awe as I saw his boots disappear then his feet change, they seemed to shrink and I knew they had become mine. I recognised my second biggest toe as it was longer than my big toe. The changes continued as the legs I saw in front of me no longer had any socks, instead they were covered in mud. He had my legs. I saw his soft dick get replaced by my dick which was still hard. He looked down at it.

Your definitely a grower, not a shower…

His upper body and arms were then replaced with my muddy torso. His hands too became mine. The system paused at that point which was expected. It was then it struck me, I wasn’t me any more. I noticed a smell. It wasn’t a horrible smell by any means. It was unfamiliar at first, I recognised it though, it was sweat. I’d smelt my own sweat thousands of times. But I realised I noticed it more because it was different, it was his sweat not mine. I looked down towards my own dick, my new one. It was definitely bigger than my old one, and it wasn’t even hard yet. Then I looked at my doppelgänger sat in the other chair. He still had his own head, neck and face but the rest of his body was mine. Looking at my own body in that way got me hard. Looking back at my new dick, it was hard now, it didn’t seem to get much bigger but it was still bigger than my own. Then socks, boots and white shorts appeared on my new body. I looked back to the other chair to see my neck, head and face form on my former body. The transformation was complete. We were released from the chairs. We were reminded that we both needed to shower and fuck each other within the next hour otherwise our minds would not merge and we would be each other but not know enough about each other.

We gladly complied it was a huge thrill being in a new body and being forced to clean all that mud of my former body and it felt good to get fucked by myself, so to speak. I hope I’m still captain next year, I love my new body but it would be great to swap with someone else again.



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