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Hey bro, just checking in with you since I hadn't heard from you in a while. It's nearly time for us to swap back, it's almost been a month already. It's been fun being in your 19-year-old body, but your life is far from perfect, so I'm ready to swap back in a few days as we planned.

Hey dude, about that, I don't know if I want to swap back.

You can't go back on your word now, we agreed a month. You wanted to know what life was like beyond 25 and I was happy to let you experience it because I wanted to remember being a teenager again.

Let me rephrase... I don't know if you are going to want to swap back. I'll send a pic.

What the actual fuck bro. Your right I probably won't want to swap back. What the fuck have you done to my body?

I pimped it.

Pimped it, fucking pimped it? You've grown a beard! Dyed my hair! And covered me in tattoos. We agreed to absolutely no changes to each other's bodies, not to change each other lives in the slightest. How have you managed to get so much ink in just under a month, and whom is that guy you within the pic?

Well, those 2 questions kind of have the same answer. He's a tattooist, he's done it all for free as practise on me, well, you if you're going to take your body back.

Why would he do it for free?

He's my, well, your boyfriend!

So not only have you changed my body, you've turned me gay?

Pretty much sums it up. Only I think you were already gay and hiding in the closet.

That was my decision to make, not yours. i don't think I do want my own body back. I'll stick to being you even though it's hell not working and not being able to drive. Why couldn't he practise on himself?

Sorry, you feel like that bro. We do have another solution though. You see he can only tattoo himself so much, can't get to areas he wants too and it doesn't usually look good when you tattoo yourself.

I wouldn't know.

Well, he wondered if he could practise on you, well, me, you know what I mean, I you don't want your body back, can he practise on you?

Well, I hate tattoos. But I've got to admit, I've enjoyed body swapping. So I kind of accept, but with a twist! Can I ask how much of your boyfriend's body has tattoos?

Just his arm, why do you ask? And what twist?

Just his arm hey? I can probably live with that!! Well, how about I swap with him, I'll end up being the boyfriend to myself. And I'll practise on your former body?

You'd do that?

I would, my body looks quite hot with tattoos, but I couldn't live with myself looking like that. but I'm only going to stay your boyfriend if you shave off that ridiculous beard.

Well, he was hoping you might say that. He had his own condition, that I agreed too, since it's my body that he will be taking. All we needed was for you to agree to swap with him. He's even set up a fund to supply you, well it will be him in my former body, with money each week and he can drive, he will just need to take a test once he is you.

I kind of feel like I've been pushed into this. So I have a couple more conditions.

Name them.

It's nothing major, just once a week, every weekend we swap with each other, get to experience the swap a little more. And no ties, meaning if either of us want to stop swapping and stay in the body we are in, then we can and if we want to swap with anyone else we can.

It's a deal bro.

We swapping the same way as last time?

Yeah mate, just a cum swap. Give your self a hand job and we will be round in about half an hour. He can drink your's and you can drink his.

Actually, I think if rather do it properly this time! I'll fuck your mate, if he will fuck me too

See, I knew you were gay.



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