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Lads, I’m so glad you’ve video called me, it’s so nice to see you all, sorry I can’t be there, wish I could, but you know, duty calls. So pleased you didn’t cancel just because I can’t be there. But seriously guys, a two day bender, can you all handle it?

I’m sure there will be a few drop outs, but there is a reason it’s a two day bender. You see, there is 8 of us and we have all agreed to try out the body swap liquid, we all chipped together and it arrived in a balloon of all things. It’s a weird concoction and I’ve just taken the first dose. You’ll notice my eyes have already turned red, it all happens during a video call and the call is going to be connected for the next two days. One dose of this liquid gives me power to swap my body with that of the person on the other end for four hours.

Oh really, thanks guys, not sure I was prepared for this. I’m going to be each of you for 4 hours?

Yep, that’s 36 hours, we’ve done it alphabetically, that’s why I’m first. 8 lots of 4 hours is 36 hours and there is enough potion for 48, so we thought we would let you choose who drinks the last 3 doses. I kind of like the idea of body swapping so I’m hoping you’ll pick me again.

Fuck, I just felt you land in my body, it all happened to fast, and now I’m leaving. See you in a bit.

Oh wow Aaron, thanks for this, your body feels as good as it looks. 4 hours and I’m zapped back right.. ? I better make the most of this.




Old holdin the drink is the hottest haha