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Your body is weird made. It’s so disproportionate. Are you sure you don’t shave or wax tour chest and abs?

I promise you, I don’t shave or wax anywhere.

So why are your legs so hairy?

I’ve no idea pal, it’s the way it’s always been, from a young age any hair thst grew went to the lower half of my body. I don’t even have many hairs on my arms, or my arm pits, I can’t grow a beard or a moustache.

I’m not sure I believe you.

Believe it or not, it’s the truth. And if your willing I’ll prove it.

How can you prove it unless I spend every hour of every day with you. I don’t want to spend so urchin time with you.

Well, you wouldn’t be spending any more time than normal with me, but also you’d spend all of your time as me.

What do you mean, “as you”?

Well if your willing, I’ll let you have my body for 30 days and 30 nights. It will prove that I don’t shave or wax.

That’s possible? How? What happens to my body if I do decide to become you?

Of course it’s possible, I’ve done it loads of times, mostly with guys like you who don’t believe me. How, well, in this very bath. If you get in with me, we will merge together and separate a few moments later and we will be swapped, so you will be me and I will be you.

Just for a month, then we swap back?

Yep, we meet here in exactly 30 days and swap back in the same way.

Ok, let’s do it



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