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Lads, I can see only two of you have vip passes, the two without ain’t going to be able to go in. Sorry.

Yeah we know, but we thought you might be kind and let us all in.

I can’t, it’s limited to a certain amount of guests, but there is a way.

Oh yeah, how.?

Well, it’s a bit weird, but if your up for it then in a way, you’ll all be allowed in. You see I know of a way which you can share each other’s body.

Oh yeah? I think we’d be ok with that for a few hours.

Here are a couple of weird things that happen if you do actually agree to it. First of all, the biggest of each of you would need to merge into the smaller two, and once you separate again you’ll not be in your original bodies, you will of swapped with whoever you went inside. It’s reversible, but only after a year and only if you are here again at this exact time and place.

We can do that. Can’t we lads?

Yeah we can do that. Will be a bit weird, but we can do it.

Ok well, it’s my body that allows the merger, all I need to to is touch each of you as you merge. I should point out that it’s a bit uncomfortable and painful at first. But you’ll not even notice after about an hour. I must say it’s going to be very interesting to watch you with the glasses merge into your mate with the tattoo.

Oh fuck he’s about a foot shorter than me.

It’s not just height mate, it’s everything. At least his pecs are bigger than yours.

Yeah and I think my dick will be bigger than yours.

Your dicks, your pecs, your arms, legs feet, they are all going to be different sizes, but they are all going to fit inside each other, it’s not a question of how, it’s when. And since the party starts in about an hour. The when has to be now. What are your names by the way?

(L-R) Jake, Ryan, Andy, Mikey.

Well mikey, you and Andy are going to be the first to merge together, it’s going to hurt you both and it might take you a while to get back on your feet, once Andy is inside you, he will have ultimate control over your body. He will be you, but while your merged you can talk to him telepathically and you can make small movements of your body. I’ve already arranged departure time to be 8 hours from now and you’ll separate automatically and be “swapped.” Ryan, you’ll go inside Jake. Your lucky that your both similar in size, but it’s still going to hurt since you are smaller than him. Are you ready?


Ok, well all that’s left for you all to do is strip. Then Andy, stand behind mikey and place your hands on his hips. Once I’ve touched you both, the process will begin. I won’t be giving many instructions now, it’s kind of all automated.

Since I had done this before, both for my own benefit and for others I knew exactly what they were going through, Andy’s dick has just become instantly hard, it had aligned itself exactly with mikeys anal passage and penetrated it all the way. Andy was then sucked even closer to Mikeys body and their skin was so close it was almost joined together. That’s where the pain began, andys dick and the entire fopront of his body, mikeys arse and the entire rear of his body. Andys dick then grew even longer than ever before, it now spanned straight through mikeys body and was inside his dick. It had made mikeys dick hard too. Mikeys pain was probably as bad as it was going to get now, either way he wouldn’t feel much more.

The next thing to happen was for andys head to go inside mikeys, it quite easily did so, but this is where andys real pain began. He was now connected with mikey. He was experiencing everything his own body was going through and that of mikeys body. He felt the pain of mikeys virgin butt being penetrated by his own painful elongated dick. He felt mikeys dick getting longer than was possible under his own steam, he felt the pounding headache as their two heads merged and minds bonded together. He felt pain in his nose, both their noses because currently andys nose stuck out from mikeys face because it was bigger. He felt the pain in his back as he was now arched and looked as though he had a hunch back because his own back protruded from mikey neck and back.

Then his feet were sucked inside mikeys. His toes ripped through mikeys toes as his feet were larger. He felt that pain too. His body then started to compress its self, and he felt the constant convulsions as it did so. His stomach was sucked into mikeys, followed by his pecs and then his legs. He was now finally able to move and control mikeys body. Parts of him were still sticking out from mikeys body but they soon contracted them selves to within mikeys much smaller frame. A vip pass appeared around mikeys neck and across his chest. The pain was beginning to subside. His black socks, boxers and shorts merged into mikeys white trainers and blue shorts and created a pair of grey trainers and a darker pair of shorts. The former Andy, the new Ryan automatically put them into his body and the transformation and merger was complete, the eight hour timer began counting down.

The new mikey wanted to head straight into the party, he didn’t care he was going to be mikey for the next year, he had plenty of time to explore. He edged Jake and Ryan to complete the process so they could all go to the party together.



Ryan Thomas

Holy fuck that was good, loved it