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It’s time to pay up man, your debt isn’t going away.

You know I can’t afford it right now. He cash just isn’t there.

Not my problem you should of thought about how you were going to pay before you took the money.

But I haven’t got the money.

I don’t want the money now, there are other ways to pay.

I don’t do sex with guys mate.

I’m not your mate, and I wouldn’t want sex with you anyway. Not my type, not for sex. But your my type in other ways and I’m going to get far more intimate with you than sex can provide.


I’m going to take your body, use it as my own. You can have mine.

How long for?

I think the debt will be settled in about a year

So I'm stuck as you for a year?


Great. What if I refuse?

I think you'll find refusal is impossible, my mind has already began transferring into your head via this phone call, even if you hang up now, it will still happen.

Fine, why a body swap though? I'm nothing special.

To pay your debt, I thought you understood.

Yer but why me?

Mate, your what 18? I’m 45, I think you’ll enjoy being me. I’ll certainly enjoy being you, being young again.




Hey I tried shooting you a message but it disappeared it I don’t think it’ll let me anymore? Looking at your tiers I see you have a costume story rank… that still a thing?