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But I can’t understand why you want to swap with your mate, from my point of view, you’ve got the better body.

Bro, too look at him right now, he’s probably the most beautiful man alive. I love him but he doesn’t feel the same way, if I’m him he might feel differently especially since he would be me. Plus, I can’t grow a hair on my chest let alone a beard. And he has the bigger dick by at least two inches. He can pull anything he wants, girls, guys but me, I’m a virgin.

Ok, I completely get you now. However, he won’t end up being you. You see there has to be a benefit to me in all this, so I will end up with your body and he will get mine. And I’ve no issues being your partner once I am you and you are him, providing his morals allow it. I’m guessing your mate doesn’t know about the swap?

No he doesn’t, and I want it to stay that way. How does the swap happen?

It’s one of the easiest things you’ll ever do. Once your me, you’ll have my abilities, but once your mate is me they will transfer back to the new me. All we need to do is stand directly behind the guy who we wish to become, so in my case, you, in your case your mate. Then once behind we step into the other guy, feet first. Then our dicks will become instantly erect, ripping any clothes we are wearing, we touch the other guy with our dicks and then it begins to ‘pump’. As it pumps it pulls us inside the other guy, once my body is fully inside you, both our dicks will cum. Then you’ll step out of your own body and be in mine and I’ll be in yours. Once your in my body you can find your mate and do exactly the same. If you do it suddenly he will be completely un aware of the swap and once it’s done he will just continue being me.

Cool, so I could be him in a matter of hours? And we can be a couple?

Yes mate, minutes if you need or want it to be. When do you want to do it?

Right now.



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