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Sir, your agent sent us a very alluring image of you wearing our latest underwear. We aren't sure why he thought you'd be a suitable model for hugo boss?

I know, I did tell him that your brand goes for more attractive models, hairless ones but he mentioned something about telling you I deserved the upgrade. When I asked what he meant he said hugo boss will explain. But for the record, most of the men wear your stuff and are not hairless muscular models, like the ones you promote.

Oh, we know that sir but it's more about who buys them for the guys. Women, “normally” buy them for their men. It's a mindset kind of thing where they see their guy in Hugo boss clothing and imagine their guy looking like the model. But the upgrade. It's certainly worth consideration. You would be the only applicant and the deadline is less than an hour away. Did your agent tell you anything?

Nope, nothing at all.

Well, you see

Liam Payne is the face of Hugo boss right now. Actually, he was a week ago. He quit. He was in a five-year contract with us and was only two years into it. That meant we could access certain conditions.

Certain conditions? I'm not sure how that affects me, especially when you and my agent are using the term upgrade.

Well, Liam agreed to give us full access to his body and life for five years. If he terminated the contract early then we would be able to remove him from his body, take away his life and implant him into the body and life of another “willing” man for the remainder of his contract. Liam would be forced to live the life of the body he had been implanted into. The willing man, the one receiving the upgrade, would be removed from his body as liam entered it and be placed into liams body for the three remaining years, or longer should hugo boss decide to extend the contract. Extension depends on how liams body reacts to a further 3 years of ageing and how the public perceive his attractiveness.

And my agent thinks I would enjoy this upgrade?

He wouldn't of put you forward if you weren't suitable. Your file suggests that you don't particularly like your body, in fact your bio states you'd be happier in someone elses skin. We can get you into someone elses skin. Someone rich and famous, who is almost hairless and has tattoos. Tattoos you dream of but see as pointless on such a hairy body. From our point of view, as punishment to Liam, your body is almost the complete opposite to his and perfect for that punishment.

And I get to be completely him, no if’s or buts. His life, his body, his bank account, everything?

Yes, absolutely everything about him will be yours.

How does it happen? How does he get implanted in my body?

It's simple and painelss. In his hand, there is a tiny chip that he doesn't even know about. You would need one too, but it's a simple tiny injection. Once you've agreed to it, an agent will visit you, implant the chip. Then the next time liam picks up his phone his mind will be sent via the chip, into his phone, across the mobile network, into your phone, into your chip, into your mind. Your mind will leave your body as liams entered and be sent all the way back into his body. Within seconds it's your body.

This sounds pretty cool. Where do I sign up? How quick can it happen? I have to admit I am agreeing to this based on your marketing campaigns using liams body. Other than that I've no idea what he looks like and I've no idea why I'm. agreeing to this.

I don't think you'll be disappointed, most of our campaigns with liam have had next to zero editing. What you've seen is what your going too get. An agent is already at your door, sign it, the chip will be in your hand momentarily. Then it's just a waiting game until Liam uses his phone.

The door bell rang and I had already signed the contract before the agent had stepped through the door. We headed to the kitchen and held out my hand where the agent injected me with the chip. The agent left. And I kept my phone close by, in fact, I had been constantly been looking at the screen for what had felt like hours. However, it had been only ten minutes. Then I noticed my chip begin to heat up. My phone began to vibrate and an image of liam appeared on the screen. Before it seemed to disappear and fly off the side of my screen. It appeared as though the image left my phone and went into my hand. Into my chip. Then the world went black. Suddenly I was in front of cameras in the middle of a photoshoot, wearing only hugo boss underwear. The agent I was talking too seemed to be correct, what I could see of my new body was that it was too good too me true. I was completely hairless. I couldn't wait for some alone time.



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