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I really do wish you would stop it.

Stop what?

You know exactly what I mean, I wish you would stop wearing my trainers. You have any idea what happens to you when you wear my trainers?

I know exactly what happens when I wear your trainers, yours or at one else for that matter, but prefer yours.

Well I wish you would stop. It's really freaky when I come in the room as see you sat there wearing my trainers, wearing whatever clothes I last wore when I wore the trainers last with my body inside the clothes.

It's not that freaky you know. Like I said I can wear anyones trainers to get their body, but I prefer yours the most. You can try it if you want. It's amazing walking around looking like someone else. But he best part is when I get home and I get my wicked way with your huge dick. The rest of your body maybe small but your dick is massive.

Your right my dick is massive, I never get complaints. But wait your real body must be twice the size if mine? Isn't your dick bigger than mine, and how do you get your massive feet in my tiny trainers?

Well, my dick size, you can find out if you want. But as for how my bigger feet fit into your trainers, it's easy. You see when I wear someone else’s trainers I get their entire body, your right I can't swap with someone who has smaller feet than me but there's a trick.

Oh, please do tell me.

Well you see, if I wear someone's trainers I can't be them, not fully, I know nothing about them and I can't act like them, all I know is stuff about them, like I know the details if your body right now because it's my body too right now. So if you asked me the size of my dick I would answer with the size of your feet, I mean size of your dick. I also know trivial stuff like what you had for dinner last night.

That's great but doesn't explain how you get your huge feet into my trainers.

Okay, sorry, I just thought you were interested and would like to know more.

I am, I really am, that's why I want to know how your feet fit.

Okay, well, trainers swap my entire body, but any other item of clothing just changes the body part it's worn by. So if I just wore your top, I would just get your upper body, nothing below, nothing anove the neck andinntodays clothing choice I would.get your arms, but not your hands. So when I wear your socks, my very turn into yours and then I can wear your trainers and the rest if me turns into you.

It's quite cool actually. I'm still freaked by seeing a mirror image if myself standing there but I can see the advantages. Wait, where do you find my socks?

Mate, you always leave your socks at the side of your bedroom door ready to be washed, every time I've been you I've had no issues finding a pair of your socks, and your trainers are always by your front door ready to be put on when your ready to go out.

So this explains why sometimes a pair goes missing then re appears later on. Have you ever, you know, taken my mind, wore one of my hats?

No mate, I'm strictly a body borrower I'm not interested in trying to actually be someone else, enough of my own problems going off without having to deal with someone else too. Of course if you wanted to try it for a few days I would be up for it.

Well I have to admit I'm more than intrigued by this whole thing. You really think it will work for me, you know if I wear your trainers?

I don't just think it will work, I know it will.

Ok. Wait, one minute. So when you came to my house, you actively went upstairs and found my dirty, smelly, sweaty worn socks and thought nothing about putting them on to your own feet? You weren't bothered about the fact they were dirty and had probably been worn by me for a few days. You weren't bothered transferring that sweat to your own feet? Weren't bothered by the possibility I might have foot infections. I ain't by the way.

No mate, I know you haven't. I knew that as soon as the socks touched my own feet that they would turn into yours so your sweat wasn't touching me at all. Your socks were touching a copy of your feet, only those feet were attached to the end of my legs and in a few more moments my legs and the rest of me would transform into you. It wasn't a big deal, not even the first time and there has probably been hundreds of times since then.

Okay, just one more thing. How do you know my body will turn into yours?

Well, because you've been me before, only you didn't know it. You were asleep I put my trainers onto your feet and yours onto mine. I fucked you, well I fucked me with your body. Then I took my trainers off your feet. You turned into you, I tucked you again and left. I've always wanted to fuck myself so I did. I hope you don't mind?

Mind, hell no. I think it's hot as fuck. Maybe we can try it later give me your trainers NOW.

With pleasure, enjoy.



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