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I sat pondering if I should click the final confirm button. It was sat on my screen with only one other button to click. Confirm or cancel. Of course the very thought of swapping into someone else’s body was an entirely new concept, but it had been something on my mind from a very early age. I was, well I am, a very vein person. And at the end of the day I knew how my body looked, and more importantly I knew how it felt. If I clicked confirm, I would be giving up what I knew both in body and in mind. But why had I looked at body swapping in the first place? Well, being vein meant that I had always tried to make my body look better, but I seemed to be at the peak of my body’s fitness level. Add to that that I was now 25 and I didn’t have very much hair an any of my body. Nothing on my face, arms, body, nothing under my arms or face, very little on my legs or my pubic places. Hair was something I wanted to experience, I wanted to know what it felt like to kiss someone whilst adorning a beard and moustache and of course I wanted to pump up more.

That’s when I started to look into body swapping and stumbled upon Ashley. He lived in the states and had always dreamt of body swapping with someone. He said his body was far from its peak, in fact at present he had let him self go a little. He had lost definition in his arms and chest. He sent me proof that his body can be better. He just wasn’t interested in building it up any more. He described it as loosing his mojo. Over the last few weeks we had agreed to disclose every detail about each other’s lives and detailed descriptions of each other’s past. We knew each other’s body in minute detail, we had sent images and had video called each other to ensure we both knew exactly what we were getting into if we both agreed to this. We had found an app that promised to remove our consciousness from each of our bodies, download it digitally, transfer over the web and then reinstall it in each other’s bodies. The app has a 100% success rate and here were 1000s of 5 star confirmed legitimate reviews. We could even set recall routines and the app would transfer us back to our own bodies even if one user wasn’t feeling comfortable. Although recall was discouraged, it was an option. Time recalls were another option. However, mutual agreement was encouraged. Initially, if we did this, we agreed to speak to each other each day and if either of us was un happy we would return to our own bodies without question. We also said that no matter what, we would return to our own bodies after seven days then swap back again if we wanted too. Ashley has set up all the conditions on the app and I had agreed to them. It was almost a contract of how we would be expected to use each other’s body and control each other’s lives. We agreed to do it and Ashley sent the request through.

Jamie, Ashley has initiated a body swap protocol request with you, after reviewing your settings, we confirm this request is valid. Do you wish to accept?

Confirm……. Cancel……….

Fuck it, I clicked confirm.

Within seconds, my mind was blank, my world was black. I felt as though I was electrically charged and felt myself wizzing around. I saw lots of colours and shapes and then suddenly I was sat down in a room that I recognised as Ashley’s office. I looked down at my shirtless chest and rubbed my hands across my new hairy chest. The cam was live on the phone sat in my hands, an active video call to Jamie. I looked at the image being sent to Jamie, and it was Ashley’s face that was now my face. I ran my new hands across my new bearded face, it felt good, very good.

Part 2 & 3 to follow with each of their POV’S



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