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Well the serum promised to transform me into anyone I wished. It was very expensive and promised enough for a minimum of 100 transformations. All I needed to do was massage enough of the serum into my hands and face, the instructions said to be liberal with it, but that a thin covering was enough. Then all I needed to do was think about a certain person, and it helped if I had a picture of that person too look at also. It said the more serum I used the quicker my transformation would be. Speed didn’t bother me, I didn’t even know if it would work to be honest, but if it did I wanted it to last.

I knew exactly who I wanted to transform into. A hunk of a man named tiger at my gym. I had managed to get friendly with him and even followed him on social media so pictures of him were easy to find, and it was a breeze to think about him. As I massaged the serum into my hands and face I soon realised I may of actually used too much.

My hair instantly began to grow and change colour, sprouting from my almost black buzz cut into long luscious streaks of blonde hair. Then the changes began in my face change shape it grew longer and slimmer. I felt my hands burning and I looked at them. Veins were popping out from the tops of my hands, veins of power from his recent workout. I moved to the mirror to watch my changes some more. My clothes tore from my body as muscles were bulging from underneath. I had never actually seen his body before, he had always been careful not to reveal it to anyone at the gym. The serum cleared from my face and hands. It travelled down my body and up my arms changing everything it touched.

My stomach began to ache as cobbled abs suddenly protruded from my previous flat stomach. A tattoo was etched across my chest. I snapped a picture just as the serum had finished changing my arms and upper body. It was amazing how pale my skin was compared to his even though we were both considered to be white.

My dick began to grow and my balls filled with cum, his cum. My legs grew longer and my feet grew into his. I was shocked how little hair was on any part of his body, he either shaved or waxed. Suddenly a throbbing in my head. His memories filled my head, clothes grew from within my skin to cover my body and then I was him.

What happened to him? Well he became me. He would never know of the change.



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