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Look bro, there’s no point keep sending me pictures of yo and your tattooed mate. I can help you out, you know I can, I’ve done it countless times before, but your straight bro and you set the bar too high for me. I can’t become you and be straight, not for all the tea in China. I’ve done it before, just for you, but if you want to do it again, then you’ve got to let me get rid of your girlfriend and let me be gay while I’ve got your body.

I’m warming to the idea. Hear me out.

Okay, I’m listening…

Well, I’ll let you be gay whilst your in my body in one condition.

Name it.

Your gay only for me, well Jared actually, since I’ll be him and you’ll be me.


Yes really, I’ve been thinking about it and I was hoping you’d agree to make it permenant, or at least semi permeant, you know with the occasional switch back so I can experience Jared as my self.

That’s a huge shift, are you sure?

More than sure, I’ve already dumped my girlfriend.

Well then this is a surprise. If your sure, then you know where to meet me with jared.

Sure, I’ll be there in ten.

Ten minutes later and he had sent me another picture with him and Jared posing in front of the mirror in their gym. THe gym was the place where we would meet and exchange bodies. It had to be their gym as it had to happen whilst Jared was in the shower. You see the swap happened by wearing each other’s clothes. And it happened easier and quicker when the clothes had become a little sweaty from the gym. The plan was set and my friend eagerly awaited my arrival. He had already sent Jared to the showers as I arrived.

Now, whenever I wear someone else’s clothes, I become them and my ability is transferred to them, so my friend, Noah had already collected Jareds clothes as well as removing his own. He encouraged me to take my clothes off and handed me his. As I put them on, I transformed into Noah. For a while there were now two Noah’s in the same room, looking directly at each other.

Noah moaned, “god, I’m going to miss your body, I’ve cherished it from the moment I knew I was alive and now it’s all yours.

There was no time for all this, Jared was surely soon to leave the shower.

Noah quickly added Jareds clothes to his own body and he bag an to change. I had no idea why he preferred being Jared to being himself I can only imagine it had something to do with the tattoos. The mass of tattoos, all over Jareds body. There were some on his hands, (even his palms), his feet, his dick even. The only space appeared to be free of ink was his face. None the less, I had grown into Noah’s body and he had shrank into Jareds. Now we were in bodies that had just finished a lengthy, sweaty workout and we needed to complete the process so that we could shower and begin out new lives. However, there were now two Jareds. All that Jared needed to do was wear MY clothes, since he wasn’t aware of any of this today or in the countless times before he wouldn’t suspect a thing. I left a set of my clothes in his locker with a clean towel. He didn’t even look at what he was putting on, why would he, he had just gotten them out of his own locker, from his own bag which he packed him self earlier in the morning.

Soon he had transformed too, into me. Much larger than him, some muscle, but mainly bigger in other ways, and no tattoos whatsoever.

Jared and myself were now free to enjoy our new bodies and new found love for each other. It sure would be fun whichever body I was in but I was looking forward to my temporary time in Jareds body, I may even get a bit more ink for him if I can find some space,



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