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Shit, I've no idea how I am going to explain this to my partner back home, to my boss or even to aaron who this body belongs too. Aaron only came for one day trial last week, left his boots on site after being certain he got the job. Well today I left mine at home and I know the boss was a stickler for health and safety, he was due any minute and didn't think twice about putting Aaron's boots onto my own feet. Wearing someone elses boots didn't have any consequences in my head but as the site manager I knew he would kick me off-site as probably sack me for not wearing boots.

How wrong was I about the consequences, now I'm sat here wearing Aaron's tracksuit pants, the most un desirable pair of trackies with holes in the worst of places. Somehow I was also wearing his socks and his boxers and I hadn't even realised that I didn't have a t shirt on or a high his. But it turns out this is how Aaron gets changed at the end of his shift, always taking his top half off first, then his boots. And I had turned into a replica of him just before he removed his boots. I even had the end of day sweat smell that all rookies trying to impress on their first day have. I only know because his memories are starting to flood my head. I realised I had turned into Aaron when I went to get a coffee for me and the boss, just before his imminent arrival, I reached my arm out to collect a cup and saw the tattoos on my arm. I didn't have any tattoos. I then saw a vague reflection in the panel of the coffee machine and I freaked out and went back to site and had to sit down. I couldn't even try to change back as the shoes I arrived in had disappeared, even taking the boots off didn't change a thing.

Just then the boss walked in.

Oh, I see the rookie is first on site today, where's the site manager, isn't he here yet, I swear I saw his car on the car park.

It's me, boss, I don't know how to explain this but one turned into...

Into Aaron. Well it's not normally the site manager who forgets his boots, normally its another experienced lad.

Wait you know about this?

Sure I do, how do u think all my staff are so good at what they do. All my rookies are placed into the body of a more experienced guy, spend a week doing the job with their bodies, copying everything they know about the job into their minds, then they swap back.

Ok, but where is my body?

Aaron has it, he's going to learn from the best this week I see. He's probably just pulling into the car park now.

Boss, I don't like this, I don't want to be the rookie, I don't want to be poor, I don't want to be Aaron. Can't you change me back?

Sure we can change you back, Friday when you both clock off.

No I mean like now?

No mate, sorry the swap has a set amount of time to it. 5 full working days and 4 full nights. Earliest possible time is 5pm Friday.

But Aaron is going to learn how to be a site manager. And I'll have to do manual labour all week.

That's the price you have to pay for forgetting your boots and yes I'll have to promote him after this week otherwise he might lose interest in the job. Don't worry I've got loads of new sites coming up your jobs safe too.

But I don't want to be a ton, I've only been him half an hour and I already hate it.

Look it's just a week. Body-wise you've got the better end of the deal. 20 years old good looking lad. You might even find you enjoy it.



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