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If you could change one thing about your body, what would it be and would you let me do it for free?

For free, yer sure. Erm if I had to change one thing, I’d get rid of the tattoos on my face, but I’ll never do it. I don’t want the scars.

Well the way I’d do it, you wouldn’t have scars, but that one is too easy. Give me something harder.

Ok remove the facial tats and give me more tats.

Again, too easy.

Ok the tats, and the usual, what every guy wants, a bigger dick.

Been there, done that, give me a challenge.

Ok well when I really think about it, a bigger, better natural smile.

Ok now we are getting somewhere, anything else?

Well if your doing all this, you may as well shrink my feet a bit, I’m an 11, but I’ve got a small body and they just dangle in the way, drop them to a seven or eight?

Great, I can do all that and more if you want, I’ll just need your body for 1 week.

What do you mean you’ll need my body?

Well you see I can make changes to anyone’s body providing I control their body and it will take me a week to do all the changes you’ve asked for.

Control my body? How?

I take over it.

And where do I go?

You don’t go far, don’t worry, but you can’t stay in your body. Usually you’ll become something special to you and stay close by, your watch for example. I’ll take your body, put your mind in your watch, that way whenever I wear the watch, aka you, you’ll be able to communicate with me.

Oh my watch isn’t special to me, my sneaks are far more special than my watch. Wait, what am I saying? I’m actually considering allowing you to do this! Put my mind into my sneaks and allow you to take over my body. This is weird to say the least.

It is weird mate, but it’s a way for you to make the changes to your body for free. Some changes you’d never be able to make. Bigger dick, smaller feet, impossible. More tats, do able over time, with money, removal of tats, doable with scars and money and the smile alteration, lots of cosmetic surgery, lots of money. I’m doing it for free.

But I’m giving up my body for a week to someone I’ve never met. You know what, just do it. But one more change, make my hair a little less Afro.

Deal, when?

Now, right now before I change my mind.

Your wish is my command.

Moments later I had begun the process of taking over his body and allowing his mind to sink into his sneaks. How you may ask? It was a simple process really. All I needed to do was place my hand on his stomach then push my middle finger into his belly button. My body was then sucked in and absorbed by his and his consciousness was transferred into the sneaks in his feet. As soon as I was controlling his body I took them off, tied them together and hung them around my neck.

Size 8 from an 11 is going to take some doing, but I set the wheels in motion and began the shrinking process. The pain began instantly in the bones and flesh of my new feet, I was not looking forward to this part of his request at all. Of course the size loss in my new feet had to go somewhere, so I set it up so that every millimetre of size lost from my feet went to my dick. Killing two birds with one stone. Growing didn’t hurt as much as shrinking. As you can see in the next picture, my dick was enlarging.

The tattoo addition and removal was very easy. Unfortunately I completely forgot to take a pic of all of the additions.

What had been most difficult was the smile, but I think I did ok, I just hope I can return to his body and make some more changes soon.
