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Who would of thought that a simple wish during what was supposed to be a cleansing, thoughtful meditation ritual that this would happen. You see my name is kie, or it used to be, now I go by the name of William or Will for short, but he hated calling me Will, they was his name.

From a young age, I began to loose my hair, and I was never able to grow a full beard. So I chose to hide it by keeping it shaven, it was almost a daily ritual, using a bic razor to shave my head and face. Will on the other hand had no end of hair and he often let it grow. Strangely though he had very little hair in his arms or abs. When we decided to do this meditation technique, I made a silent wish in my head, “I wish I could grow hair as good as Will.” That was it, a wish, a silent thought in my own head. He technique required a huge amount of concentration, will power and core strength. We had done it hundreds of times before and succeeded, but I had never made the wish. Every other time, I had managed to get into a standing position with Will still sat on my shoulders without him falling off. Of course it was hard, he was heavy for a start but we trusted each other enough and we had never failed to do it. Once in the standing position, I then had to carefully lower my self and him so that he could climb off my shoulders.

However, today as I began to stand up I realised he wasn’t as heavy as normal and something was very different. Once I was fully stood up Will appeared to be in more or less the same position but instead of his feet and legs crossing my chest and stomach, his feet protruded from my stomach area. Something weird was going on. Will asked what was happening as he felt funny. I told him I didn’t know because I didn’t have a clue. I gripped the ends of his feet and toes and tried to pull them out, but they wouldn’t budge. Instead they were sinking lower and lower within my body. There was no longer any weight on my shoulders as Will was no longer sitting on them any more. His buttocks now protruding my back where my shoulder blades normally are, his dick now poking out through his shorts to in between my nipples. Will had clearly looked down and had seen what was happening and tried to pull him self out of my body. Strangely I didn’t feel a thing as his body was being lowered within my own. The more he tried to prevent it, the quicker he sank within me. I tried to help him get out and suggested he placed his hands on my shoulders and pull him self out, of course it didn’t work. He only sank in further and his hands were now inside my arms and he was hunched over my head. I watched as his feet travelled lower within my body, down my legs, then he straightened up and screamed with pain as more and more of him was inside me. His dick now protruding from my stomach and he’s feet sticking out where my knees were. Soon his entire body had lowered within my own. His feet - inside mine, his legs - inside mine, his dick - inside mine, his torso - inside mine, his arms and hands - inside mine. Something was off though, I still didn’t feel pain, but my face and head felt different. Itchy and scratchy. I lifted my hands and felt my face.

To my shock I had facial hair, I had masses of hair on top of my head. It was a weird sensation. Suddenly, pain began. I felt light headed, but felt like a dead weight. I felt tearing and ripping sensations all over my body. It was horrendous. Then I felt as though I was rising, travelling upwards, I looked down and saw feet sticking out from my legs again, but this time I had a feeling they weren’t my legs, I knew it was my feet sticking out of the legs below. The pain continued and I felt like I was being ripped out of my own body. Soon I was keeled over my own head and saw a dick protruding from the chest below. The light headedness and pain began to subside but the itchy feeling on my face never went away. Then I felt very high up, then I felt like I was crossing my legs, and like I was sat on top of someone’s shoulders. I looked down and saw my bald head below, some how I had become Will. I had got my wish in a weird kind of way, I got my hair just like Williams it it came with his body too. To this day, Will who is now kie hasn’t got a clue why it happened, but he has to live his life as kie now, he has to live my life, and and I have to live his. I don’t think he is all that happy about it, but we have tried so many times to swap back, but his wish to become himself again simply wasn’t as strong as my wish to have hair like his.



Ryan Thomas

This one was great wow, would love the other viewpoint as well honestly


Next part will be published this week