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If you have the desire to become your room mate, I can help you, I’m a body swapper and I can swap peoples bodies about to my hearts content.

Oh really, how does it work?

I’ve no idea how it works, but if you want to do it, become your room mate then there is a minimum period of 24 hours.

So I have to stay as him for a whole day? How long can I stay as him?

Yep a minimum of a whole 24 hours. There’s no maximum but after four weeks you’ll forget you ever swapped into him and just be him forever.

That’s cool, how do we do it?

I’ll show you tomorrow but I do need you to bring some of his stuff with you.

Okay, like what?

Well, a pair of his shoes and a pair of his socks, preferably worn dirty ones that he has recently taken off.

Ok cool, this time tomorrow then?

The following day he showed up with a pair of his roommates sneakers and socks. He showed them to me. They were of no interest to me.

So mate, for you to become him, you need to wear his sneakers and socks, but at the moment it won’t work for you. Only if you allow me to become you that the gift of body swapping will pass over to you. Once I have your body you’ll be able to become him just by wearing his sneakers and socks.

That’s fine, I’ve got no issues with you becoming me, how do you do it?

Simple, I wear your socks and boots.

And you just transform into a copy of me?


I put his socks and boots onto my feet and my transformation began. I never questioned anyone as to why they wanted to be someone else, I just told them I had the ability they either liked it or shrugged it off as a lie. But here I was getting younger, slimmer and taller. The swap usually takes about ten minutes, but this swap must of been complete in under two. He watched in awe as every feature he had was copied over to my body just by wearing his socks and boots. He leaned in and stroked my new face and was amazed that it felt exactly like his own face. Literally everything about him had copied over to me. His clothes, his backwards cap, facial hair and tattoos even his scent. I could smell nicotine emanating from my fingers and stale fag breath. I even had a copy of his phone and keys in my pocket and even though I didn't have his memories yet I knew he had had a Macdonalds with a toffee late on his way to work. As soon as I had completed my swap, I removed the boots.

Mate, clearly I've transformed into you, I don't normally do this, but I do have one question, why are your socks so black?

Well, I wasnt expecting anyone to see them, otherwise id of put on a clean pair.

So, these aren't clean?

Nope, I normally wear a pair of socks for two, maybe three days, these must be day 3, if they smell ok, I'll wear them again. Is it a problem?

Not at all. I mean, I think I'll be changing them daily while I'm you, but it explains why I turned into you so quickly. So are you ready to become your room mate?


Well, all you need to do is put in his socks and shoes, how long has your mate been wearing these socks for?

No idea if I'm honest. He's a pretty clean guy so I'm guessing a day at most.

Well your swap will probably take ten to fifteen minutes then, especially since this is your first time. Go ahead, put them on.

He did exactly that and I watched him transform into his room mate.

He turned into his room mate exactly as me looked the last time he was wearing g these socks and trainers, which it appears it was just after a gym session as he now sat before me shirtless.

Mate, we're at work, I can't look like this.

Don't panic, in a few moments your room mate will come in, he will have itchy feet as he laws of the universe dictate that there should only be one of each person on earth. He will take his shoes and socks off and find only one pair of shoes and socks to put back on, mine. At that point, he will turn into me and you can put on the socks and boots he took off and you will be updated with his body as it is now, including his clothes. See, here he is, right on Que.

As predicted he took off his boots and socks due to itchy feet, he began to scratch them, as he did, I replaced his boots with mine. As soon as he put them on, he became me and didn't even notice he just carried on being me as though nothing had changed. My new room mate put on this other pair of shoes and socks and his body was updated.

After the first week, we swapped with each other, so he got his own body back, but I never go back to a body I have given away, so I spent a week as his room mate. Now every now and then we swap with each other for a week. Occasionally, we spend the day looking identical. Have you ever experienced sex with a duplicate of yourself?


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